
Professional Coaching Website

Put your best foot forward with a professional-looking site that you can customize with a few clicks of a button. Within minutes of joining the Coaches Console, you can have your site built and ready to promote your services.

Private Client Portal

Keep your coaching notes organized and provide stellar client support with a private client portal. From their portal, clients can schedule appointments; access resources, worksheets, and recordings; and communicate with you securely between sessions.

Client Management

Track client conversations, stay on top of follow-up, and nurture hot leads with a built-in customer relationship manager (CRM). Automate your most common interactions, so you can support your clients, schedule new sample sessions, and engage new prospects on autopilot.


Integrate your calendar and enable clients and prospective clients to book coaching calls and sample sessions. Automate the follow-up, pre- and post-work, and appointment reminders, so clients and prospects feel supported and cared for — without extra work on your part.


Take the sting out of billing and invoices. Issue customized invoices manually or automatically, set up payment plans that bill automatically, and allow clients to pay quickly and securely online. Or add a shopping cart to your site, so clients can join your courses and programs and pay right away from your website.

Email Marketing

Take advantage of dozens of pre-built, customizable email templates and automated sequences to help you book more sample sessions, re-engage inactive clients, follow-up with new leads, and sell your courses, programs, and other products.

Courses & Content Delivery

Build and sell your own self-paced courses, drip content to your students, and track participation in your programs. Or skip the course development and offer a pre-built, pre-loaded course for sale or as a lead magnet.


Project your income, optimize your marketing, and track your business performance with built-in, easy-to-use reporting modules that let you keep a finger on the pulse of your business.

Preloaded Templates

Start marketing, selling, and serving your client right out of the box, with preloaded templates that provide all the assets your business needs. Your Coaches Console membership includes pre-built forms, coaching agreements, documents, free gifts, email sequences, and even a full course that you can sell or offer as a lead magnet.

Mobile Ready

Support your clients and manage your business on the go. Your Coaches Console dashboard, coaching website, and client portal are fully optimized for mobile and work perfectly on any device.

Security & Compliance

Your data and your client portal are protected with multiple levels of security: secure pages, password protection, and 256-bit encryption technology. Data storage and marketing tools are fully compliant with consumer privacy legislation, including GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). And all your data is backed up daily to protect against loss.

Training & Support

The Coaches Console team is dedicated to helping you succeed. Your subscription includes free access to our FAQ and video training library, live chat, email tech support, and even 1×1 Zoom help calls with our support team. You may also choose to hire one our Certified Virtual Assistants to manage your console and take administrative tasks off your plate. Or for 360-degree support on every aspect of your marketing, systems, and business growth, you may join our Coaching Business System group coaching program or work one-on-one with a private coach.

Start coaching today

We blend coaching with training to help people get results. We focus on our clients and users getting RESULTS!