I saw a simple message come in my inbox this weekend and immediately thought of all of you. I’m not sure what you’re each doing to serve your list/clients or past clients in the midst of everything going on… but this might be a simple easy thing…

In a previous FB Live post I shared with you the swipe copy to send that lets your list/audience know how you’re handling COVID-19 as a business to support them…

Then this could be a secondary message (or stand alone message) to provide one type of support.

I had the vision of you all sending this email specifically to your past clients as a way to reconnect with them and potentially spark some new clients (even if short-term).

But it could go to any current clients as a value-add… It could go to your entire list as value-add/spark potential new clients…

It was the subject line that really caught my attention – made me click right away! (I’ve modified the email from the original so it would be suited for your type of business/niche). I could see sending this to someone as a free ‘strategy session’ (that is also a soft enrollment conversation offering a modified COVID/Pandemic type coaching package, program, etc. – no hard selling, just soft selling and more inviting)… or you could even make this be a low cost stand alone session ($37 or something similar)…

Anyway – thought I’d share my little bit of inspiration I had that left me thinking of each of your businesses…

1. Copy & paste the below message into a document
2. Customize to fit your nice
3. Insert the two links where indicated by brackets (to your online calendar and to a lead magnet if applicable)
4. Add your signature
5. Send

Subject line:
Need a break from the world’s anxiety? Get a little help… 


Right now all of us need a little extra loving.


What I’m observing from many of my clients is the need to shed some of the stress that’s weighing heavy on them.


Just this morning I called my coach and had a quick conversation to “dump” my frustrations that were blocking me from being able to do anything today. I thought maybe you could use the same.


If you feel like you need a little bit of help to get re-centered, so you can focus and do the things that will make your life easier, just book a ‘tune up’ session: We’ll dig in, release the stress and any underlying Villains making it super hard for you to feel safe and productive.


Click here to book a session. Here is a link to {INSERT LINK TO LEAD MAGNET OR RESOURCE}. It’s free and it feels really good!


I look forward to connecting and helping you feel better,


Stronger Together,