Making Confident Decisions using the Clarity Quadrant

Making Confident Decisions using the Clarity Quadrant (use this for yourself or as a tool with your clients).

During these uncertain times, a person is only ever going to be about 65% confident about a decision they’re making.

Right now, we’re in this odd “in between” time – still in quarantine, there’s talk beginning about emerging, others want to stay in lockdown…

Clarity is going to be harder to come by in the near future.

I’ve used this Clarity Quadrant as a business opportunity filter in my own business and life. We’ve also used it with our own clients during different programs we promote (Accelerator graduates, you’ve seen this before). Using a scale and a quadrant system like this can help clear away the uncertainty and find the next best step for yourself in any given moment.

As you continue to pivot your business, use this quadrant for clarity in direction.

As you work with your clients, use this quadrant with them to help them get clear in their next best. Even use this as a decision making tool in your enrollment conversations.

I’ve stripped away our branding so you are free to use this as you wish for yourself and your business. It’s been a valuable tool for my business and I think it can be for yours as well during these times.

Comment below how you imagine you’ll be using this in your business!

How to pivot enrollment conversations!

There are two very important questions you must know the answer to in order to pivot how you talk to prospects and potential clients.

With today’s times, the foundation of these enrollment conversations still remain the same. There are a few nuances that you must integrate. I share those in this FB Live training.


Those are the three things that you must bring to each call you have with a potential client. I’ll talk about each of those in this training.

I know, I can hear you now… “Melinda, how can I convey certainty when I don’t even feel certain?” – I’ll cover that too!

I’m going to give you the “Pivoting Enrollment Framework”

Enrollment conversations have always been a sticky point for entreprenuers… adding in these trying times and it could have any coach backing away from getting new clients.

That’s why I want you to have this bit of information so you too can feel better about enrolling new clients!

Keys To Creating Clarity & Business Immunity in Challenging Times

Now, with this COVID pandemic and unprecedented times, we’ve had to make some pivots in our lives and business and I’m sure you have too.

You might be asking yourself, how can I best show up for my business during these times? I know, making moves in your business when there’s so much going on in the world can feel like a lot.

Would some FREEBIES be helpful to navigate your business in these times?

That’s why I have spent the last few weeks showing up on FB Live trainings, providing free content, creating marketing messaging for you, and sharing resources to help you effortlessly pivot your business, your marketing messaging, your offers and the way you package your services, as well as how to pivot your self-care.

I’ve been providing what I’ve been calling the “Keys To Creating Clarity & Business Immunity in Challenging Times” series.

My deep desire is to help you tap into your courage and leverage the opportunities to get your skills, talents and passions out in this world to the people who need your guidance and support NOW more than ever.

So here it is, some of my best strategies and swipe copy for pivoting your business, shifting your marketing messaging, and adjusting your offers so you can feel confident in putting yourself out there during these times.

Plus, I share with you how I personally am taking care of myself in the midst of all these rapid changes and uncertainties so I can bring ALL of me to my business and do the best I can with what I have from where I am.


If you are not sure how to pivot your marketing messaging, then you should check out this 30 minute training and one of the 50+ marketing phrases I’ve created for you…

Pivoting Your Messaging:

“How to Pivot Your Business During Unprecedented Times and Crisis – Strengthening Yourself and Your Business…”

If you’re not sure how to reach out to your list/audience (no matter it’s size) and have folks book sessions with you, then this video and email swipe copy is exactly what you need. In fact, Coaches Console member, Renee Matlock, sent this exact email out to her list and almost immediately she had 4 people book a sample session with her!

Connect With Your List & Book Sessions:

“The Exact Email to Send to Your List To Get Sessions Booked During These Times!”

If you’re not sure how to pivot your offer/packages/programs (or if you should even be selling right now), then this 23 minute training will bring some clarity and confidence – just like when Kathryn responded with: “Hi Melinda. Great stuff. You … help me believe I can do this. Thank you.”

Pivoting Your Offers:

“6 Ways You Can Pivot Your Offer During Challenging Times & Feel Confident About Putting Yourself Out There”

And if you’re personally, not sure how to navigate all the emotions that you may be feeling as a person and entrepreneur, then this is exactly what you need. This is my personal ritual that helps me show up the best way I can every day – even in the midst of the doubt and uncertainty of these times:

This is how I do it. Be my best self so I can give my best in my marketing, selling, serving, and coaching!


“How to Handle the FULL Range of Emotions You’re Experiencing as a Human, so You Can Show Up as a Leader to Your Clients and Audience”

I know things are extremely difficult right now. We are all in uncharted territory. There is understandable fear, anxiety, and doubt.

But there is also hope, inspiration and opportunity. What I know for sure is when we stick together, we can and will make it through this. I’m here for you.

I will continue to show up each week with an open heart and a positive perspective to help you build courage.

I have even more free resources, sample messages, copywriting content, and more to support you during these times – covering topics like:

  • How I’ve been putting my best foot forward in the midst of stress and uncertainty (self care, working from home with others “invading” my space, handling relationships, and more).
  • The 5 Phases of the Pandemic Upheaval (and how to navigate them for you, your business and your clients)
  • Going from just surviving to thriving in your business during these times (Yes, it’s okay)
  • A study of how 2,000 people plan to spend quarantine – and why this is GREAT news for coaches (and how to pivot your offer to leverage the opportunity)!

You can join me in our Coaching Lifestyle FB Group where you can find these resources (and more) and join me live as we figure out these times together!


How to Pivot Your Offers and Feel Confident About Selling Right Now

One of the things I’ve been hearing the most from people is around the topic of selling right now. It seems the further we get into this pandemic and quarantine … the more divided people seem to be on this topic.

Earlier this week I was talking with some colleagues and one was adamant that no one should be selling right now – her belief is that no one is able to make money during a pandemic like this (because she believes no one is spending money with all the fears out there). As a result of those fears, she’s giving all of her coaching away for free.

Interesting perspective.

On the other side of the spectrum, I was chatting with different colleagues this week and they’re absolutely selling… with some modifications for sure!

Before you decide where you fall on that spectrum, listen to what I have to share with you.

I’ve been seeing WAY too many people “crumble” and give away their services out of fear! Now… if you want to give your services for free, by all means, that’s awesome. I just ask that you do it from a conscious decision and from your heart; not your fears.

I think today’s topic will help you know what’s right for your business and how to pivot your offers (whether you offer them for free, or for a fee or a combination of both).

I’ll share with you:

  • 6 ways you can pivot your offers
  • Multiple ways you can offer lower prices options without having to give away your services (or discount your pricing)
  • 1 easy thing you can do TODAY to immediately offer a DIY course to your prospects and clients (actually we’ve done the grunt work for you – you just have to send an email)

Announcing… The $5,000 Grand Prize Winner!

It’s time for a huge celebration in the midst of everything going on. Just because things are rapidly changing, there’s so much uncertainty in the world with the COVID-19 Pandemic, that doesn’t mean we can’t still have massive celebrations… in fact, I believe the more we can find to celebrate, the more we can shift the energy and mindset we’re experiencing.

You met the top 3 finalists of our annual We Launch You Contest last week… you heard their stories… witnessed their journeys… related to their experiences…

Some of your responses after hearing their interviews:

  • “..all three finalists bursted through ceilings they did not even realize were there at the beginning of the program. And, the ripple effect NOW…the momentum they have created in their lives and businesses…that’s what is spreading out over the whole world…”
  • “… your clients have grown and been equipped by you and I am so glad you have broken through the volunteer to Entrepreneur mindset!”

And now it’s time… I must announce the winner!