Remember The Long Game

The past few weeks has sent many entreprenuers through an experience of:

  • fear
  • chaos
  • uncertainty
  • questioning
  • pivoting
  • serving (or something along those lines).

As we’re in this “time of in-between” where everyone is finding their new rhythm (for now), it’s important to remember the long game. This was a phrase that my coach, Stu, shared with me over and over and over and over… When we were strategizing about a new offer, he’d always ask how this plays into the long game of my business. When he was supporting me in creating and implementing a launch, he’d always bring it back to the long game.

Everything we do right now affects the long game of our business. Often times of crisis when we find ourselves in the fight or flight or freeze mode, it can be easy to take our eyes off the long game and to focus on the here and now.

To some degree that is absolutely required so you know how to survive from day to day. But as a business owner, it’s not just about surviving, it’s about thriving.

And yes, it’s okay to think about thriving in times like this when there is hardship, instability, economic pressures swirling around us. In fact, I think it’s by putting our attention on asking the question “How can I thrive instead of just survive?” that a new creativity and perspective emerges for us.

Often the just asking “how can my business survive in these times?” leaves us in a place of doing the bare minimum to get by. That is okay for a SHORT period of time. But if you keep looking only at the bare minimum then your business will only generate the bare minimum – and that most likely isn’t sustainable.

When you ask the question “How can I thrive in my business during these times?”  Can you feel the shift in your energy? It’s such a powerful coaching question we can ask ourselves right now. This question leaves you in a place of making sure you’re doing what is necessary to survive there here and now AND you’re also looking a few steps ahead – you’re now paying attention to the long game.

How can I thrive in my business during these times?

We’re finding that the patterns of the folks spending time online is that opt in rates are WAY up, the consumption of written and video content is WAY up, sales are holding steady or taking longer for people to convert. Right now, part of thriving is nurturing your audiences and building your list.

How can you focus on getting likes / comments / shares and turning them into leads on your list?

Post below: what are you doing to nurture your audience and grow your list right now?

The 5 Phases People Navigate COVID-19 – And They’re Not Linear!

During any time of crisis there are certain phases that folks will experience (of course this is all according to my opinion and observation – nothing has been tested nor researched nor verified). It’s important to understand the impact of what people will be encountering in the coming days, weeks, and months to understand how you can leverage your business to serve and support your clients, audiences and those you love in powerful, compassionate ways.

The 5 Phases as I see them:

  1. Upheaval & Chaos
  2. Finding Their New Rhythm
  3. The Fear Becomes Real
  4. Evolution Out of Fear
  5. Learning To Live In The “New World”.

Upheaval & Chaos – During the COVID-19 pandemic, this is when suddenly kids are at home and parents need to figure out how to homeschool. People had to work from home (many whom have never worked remotely). Lockdowns went into effect, business closed, gatherings stopped and a whole new world was upon us; quite rapidly.

Finding Their New Rhythm – folks have now adjusted to the fact that kids are not going back to school until the fall and people have set up their home offices and have figured out how to work around the entire household’s schedule. People are realizing that, while this is temporary, this is not something that is going to pass in the near future. So they’re finding a new rhythm to their day-to-day lives. Some of their fears have subsided; others are emerging.

The Fear Becomes Real – For those in the vast majority of the US and Canada, we are (as the experts are attempting to predict) approximately 3-6 weeks from the peak hitting. As people move into this phase their fear of “Oh gosh, I hope I don’t get sick” turns into “OMG, my spouse has tested positive” or someone they love. All new fears and challenges emerge in this phase that people will have to adjust to. In making those adjustments, people’s priorities will shift and their actions will shift again as well.

Evolution of the Fear – Several weeks after the peak of the virus passes, while it seems that it still be around for awhile, people would have endured the biggest impact of the virus. They will have a better understanding of what life will be like. However, my guess is that people will still be cautious, will continue to be mindful and will prioritize things very differently.

Finally, Learning to Live in the New World – at some point in the future, we will all learn how to live our lives with COVID-19 being part of our reality. Forever our social structures, economy and priorities will look different than they did just months ago.

As people learn how to live in this “New World” their challenges will change once again, their stressors, frustrations, hopes and dreams will take another shift. And we too need to be prepared to leverage our businesses to serve, support and guide our clients and audiences through it all.

I share all this with you because as leaders, when we can look two steps ahead (even though it’s everyone’s best guess since with how new and rapidly changing everything is), then we can continue to ask ourselves at each phase the two most important questions:

  1. Why is coaching and my services, packages, & programs critical at this point in time to what my client’s new challenges are?
  2. In what ways, if any, do I need to pivot my messaging, and adjust my offers? What creative thinking can I apply to leverage my wisdom, experience, skills and resources to serve my clients and audiences in the best way possible?

I believe that when you can clearly answer those two questions, you’ll be able to meet your clients where they are and support them through each phase; providing them hope and possibility along the way.

As of today (April 3), I believe that many of us in the USA are just moving out of the Upheaval & Chaos and are beginning to find out new rhythm of life. So it will be important for you to revisit those two questions to see if there are additional shifts you can make with how you’re interacting with your clients.

Diving Into Bootcamp: Sharing resources during these times

With the upheaval the world has experienced over the past few weeks, most likely you’re figuring out how to pivot your messaging and the way you’re serving and support your clients and audiences. Many Coaches Console members are creating new checklists to offer to their list as a way to navigate these times. Other members are creating new lead magnets for how their niche can thrive in times of crisis. And still others are compiling resources, offering challenges, putting together support circles as a way to help their niche navigate everything happening in their world.

One of the features in your Coaches Console system that can really help you leverage this is:

Opt In Page

to send folks to so they can access the material you’re creating

Opt In Form

so they can leave their name/email and receive future resources from you.

Bootcamp Module 2 >> Lessons 3, 4 & 5 is where you’ll want to focus to learn how to effectively create these items AND how to implement them in your Console System!

Selling In These Times + Email Swipe Copy

A big topic right now for entrepreneurs is selling in the current global situation. You don’t have to be scared of selling right now. It’s not a bad word and it doesn’t make you a bad person. There is a balance between serving and selling… and when done well, they’re actually the same thing!

Serve – Serve – Serve – Sell.

This is something we’ve taught our clients for years.

Always, and even more so in these times, you have to build value for your people. It’s important to deliver even more value ahead of time.

With the rapid changes, uncertainty and anxiety people are encountering, it’s smart to break down what you’re sharing with your audiences into small, bite-size pieces of information. Almost micro-sized.

In today’s environment, I think it’s more about:

Serve – Serve – Serve – Invite.

When you’re consistently offering value, providing helpful resources, being a guide and leader for your people to help them navigate these times, you’re establishing a deep sense of trust.

The more you can authentically lead and serve in this way, the more your folks will naturally feel safe taking advantage of what you offer them – be it free resources and/or paid programs.

One of the ways I love “selling” to people is to INVITE them. When I put on the lenses of “inviting” someone to join my program, use our software, sign up for a coaching package, it creates a sense of joint-acknowledgement. Acknowledging that what I have is something they need. And we’re both in agreement with that. So then the decision for me is what part of the wisdom I have, the resources I’ve created, the lessons, exercises and tools I provide do I want to share for free versus invite people to purchase from me. That’s the balance.

When you’re sharing free resources and providing a ton of value it’s often the tip of the iceberg. I often say “With the little bit of time we have together, this is what I can share with you about topic XYZ. But when we can spend more time together, we can go deeper on this topic.”

The tip of the iceberg is what you give away for free. When I know the framework of serve – serve – serve – invite, it makes it easier for me to understand that in advance. It also makes it easier for me to make and offer and have a sales and enrollment conversation because I know I’ve delivered a ton of value so far and that I will keep doing so.

The Next Pivots Needed To Keep Your Business Immunity Strong

There are more people online than ever before.

There are also more people spending more time online than ever before.

And those people want alternatives to the negative posts in their feeds. There are opportunities for you to stand out as the positive change agents that you are and be a beacon of hope and possibility for them.

During this FB Live I will share:


the new pivots you’ll want to make to your marketing messaging


what NOT to do when it comes to putting yourself out the


how people are adjusting their finances right now (and what that means for your packages)

Pivoting your messaging, the way you interact with your clients and audiences, and how your offers are constructed is vital during these times so you stay relevant to your audiences.