Eliminate the burdens and distractions of coaches so they can live their God-given potential.

That was the calling I wrote on the back of a napkin 16 years ago that launched Coaches Console and this community. We believe that the more people who experience coaching, the better the world will be. For 16 years, we’ve focused on eliminating the burdens and distractions as it relates to having a coaching business. It is time – past time – that our calling extends beyond business.

While the common topic of “business” is what brings us together in this particular community, it is through unification and interconnectedness that we stand together, and share our voices, seeing and hearing every person with compassion,and lifting people up by how we regard one another as strong, capable, and worthy of deep respect.

It is then that we all can be seen, heard, supported and loved. We can move into action together and the world can become a better place. We ALL can live our God-given potential; no matter our skin color.

Words have failed me these past several days as I’ve been deeply saddened by the unnecessary acts of violence that led to the senseless deaths of both Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, and the violent acts of shooting and looting that have followed. I’ve been asking myself “what can I do? How can I help?”

I believe insufficient words are still better than silence or non-action, so I am doing my best to make sense of it all and to understand better not only what I can say, but more importantly what I can do.

As a white woman, I am not the most suited person to speak on racism and injustice. I have a lot of education I need to continue to do. However, I did start this company and I did build this community and, for that, I feel responsible for sharing this with you as a leader.

You’ve heard me say it over and over during the past 3 months of the pandemic that as coaches, WE are the leaders that folks will turn to to help them navigate these uncertain times. The same still stands with this recent crisis we’re encountering. As coaches, I believe it is our responsibility to be educated on the topic of racism and to share resources with others. More importantly to listen, support and guide our clients and respective communities with massive compassion, truth, and from a place of love.

When coaches can support clients from this place first and foremost, positive actions will result that will ripple through families, communities, countries and the world.

Your work as a coach is more important than ever.

Keep doing what you’re doing. Keep loving and serving your clients.

I believe that while we can educate ourselves on this topic, take action on this topic, I also believe that the more we can continue to do good work in this world, that too has an impact that is needed right now.

Know that here, at Coaches Console, every entrepreneur has a place, a voice, and a contribution that is welcome.

We reject racism, inequality of opportunity, hatred, and cruelty.

As Nelson Mandela said, “The truth is that we are not yet free; we have merely achieved the freedom to be free, the right not to be oppressed. . . . For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. The true test of our devotion to freedom is just beginning.”

There may be people in this community who disagree – or, deny – and unsubscribe. That is their choice and a loss well worth it to ensure that those who remain feel safe, heard, and seen.

I love you and am proud of the amazing work you’re doing in this world as a coach.

We are here for you, with you through it all.

Stronger Together,

How to pivot enrollment conversations!

There are two very important questions you must know the answer to in order to pivot how you talk to prospects and potential clients.

With today’s times, the foundation of these enrollment conversations still remain the same. There are a few nuances that you must integrate. I share those in this FB Live training.


Those are the three things that you must bring to each call you have with a potential client. I’ll talk about each of those in this training.

I know, I can hear you now… “Melinda, how can I convey certainty when I don’t even feel certain?” – I’ll cover that too!

I’m going to give you the “Pivoting Enrollment Framework”

Enrollment conversations have always been a sticky point for entreprenuers… adding in these trying times and it could have any coach backing away from getting new clients.

That’s why I want you to have this bit of information so you too can feel better about enrolling new clients!

Announcing… The $5,000 Grand Prize Winner!

It’s time for a huge celebration in the midst of everything going on. Just because things are rapidly changing, there’s so much uncertainty in the world with the COVID-19 Pandemic, that doesn’t mean we can’t still have massive celebrations… in fact, I believe the more we can find to celebrate, the more we can shift the energy and mindset we’re experiencing.

You met the top 3 finalists of our annual We Launch You Contest last week… you heard their stories… witnessed their journeys… related to their experiences…

Some of your responses after hearing their interviews:

  • “..all three finalists bursted through ceilings they did not even realize were there at the beginning of the program. And, the ripple effect NOW…the momentum they have created in their lives and businesses…that’s what is spreading out over the whole world…”
  • “… your clients have grown and been equipped by you and I am so glad you have broken through the volunteer to Entrepreneur mindset!”

And now it’s time… I must announce the winner!

Floundering hobbyist… to growing a business… and now a finalist in the We Launch You Contest!

A hobby or a business?

Kathleen desperately wanted a coaching “business,” but never really knew how to get it going. Everyone always said to her “just put yourself out there,” yet, secretly she had no idea how to do that. So, all she ever had was a coaching hobby… and it wasn’t even much of a hobby.

And one day, she had enough!

Actually, that’s not true.

It was a close colleague and friend of hers that said “enough is enough” and got Kathleen connected into a community of like-minded coaches all wanting the same thing – a thriving coaching business making an impact.

She hasn’t looked back since.

Kathleen Fanning is our third of our top 3 We Launch You Contest finalists!

I’ve done a behind-the-scenes look into Kathleen’s journey about how she went from “retiring” her coaching hobby to now having a growing coaching business.

During this interview I ask Kathleen about:


The challenges they faced and the negative impact it was having on their business and life.

The mindsets and “dragons” that they had to overcome.
The results they’re experiencing (and how it’s strongly positioned them to handle everything unfolding with this pandemic crisis).
Why their business is critical during these times and how they’re pivoting to serve their clients.
The celebrations they’re continuing to experience (even in these uncertain times).

To read more about Kathleen:

Kathleen Fanning

Kathleen Fanning

Invest In Yourself


Through Kathleen’s coaching programs and workshops, she supports women in higher education who struggle with the stress of juggling work and family and feel they’re not as successful as they’d like to be in either place.

Stay tuned… I’ll be announcing the GRAND PRIZE $5,000 Winner on Tuesday April 14th at Noon EST!

Stronger Together & Inspiring Each Other,

The question Mary asked that led to greater impact in her business…

One of the questions many folks are starting to ask during this Pandemic is:

“What if there is a different way to approach this situation?”

As we’re in this time of limbo where upheaval has happened but the “new norm” hasn’t yet been established, this question is guiding so many people to consciously create their situations right now.

As a leadership and sports performance coach, that’s just what Mary Fineis, one of our Coaching Business Accelerator graduates, has been asking of her student athletes and their parents right now to help them pivot during these unprecedented times.

In fact, it was this same underlying question Mary asked herself just over a year ago regarding her approach to her own coaching business – and it was the question that changed everything for her.

Prior to last year, Mary had always treated her coaching business as volunteer work or a philanthropic service. She was never doing it for the money, but for the impact on others.

Sound familiar?

Mary’s aha that led to more impact…

Her aha (that she goes into depth in this interview) was that the more she could treat her coaching business like a business, the more impact she could have and the more lives she could touch.

We Launch You Contest Finalists

I’ve been sharing with everyone about our Coaching Business Accelerator Program We Launch You Contest as being one way we can support coaches in taking their business to the next level.

Of the top 3 finalists, we will award the Grand Prize of $5,000 to one recipient to help them Launch their business.

I’m excited to announce Mary Fineis as one of our top 3 finalists!!


You can hear more about Mary’s journey (and use it as a source of inspiration during these interesting times) in the interview above.

I’ve done a behind-the-scenes look into their journey where I ask them about:


The challenges they faced and the negative impact it was having on their business and life.

The mindsets and “dragons” that they had to overcome.
The results they’re experiencing (and how it’s strongly positioned them to handle everything unfolding with this pandemic crisis).
Why their business is critical during these times and how they’re pivoting to serve their clients.
The celebrations they’re continuing to experience (even in these uncertain times).

To read more about Mary:

Mary Fineis,

Mary Fineis,

Game Changer Coaching, LLC


As a life, leadership and sports performance Coach, Mary works with student athletes and their parents to enable them to become the best version of their authentic self, execute their own personal success formula to reach goals, and develop a mindset that leads to improvement and enjoyment every day.

Stay tuned… I’ll be announcing the GRAND PRIZE $5,000 Winner on Tuesday April 14th at Noon EST!

Stronger Together & Inspiring Each Other,

We Launch You Contest: Announcing the Top 3 Finalists, Finalist #1 Interview + $5,000 Grand Prize Winner

FINALIST #1:  Tom Brush

Be inspired by Tom’s journey, the challenges he overcame (and how) and how he’s staying relevant and still serving his clients in the midst of this pandemic:

Building that initial momentum in your coaching business is critical.

Making the leap to the next level is equally as important.

Our Coaching Business Accelerator Program We Launch You Contest is one way we can support coaches in taking their business to the next level. When we planned and were pursuing this contest last year, none of us had any idea how vital their new-found strength of their business and this grand prize would be for these times we’re finding ourselves in.

My team and I are grateful that we can follow through on our promise to offer one Accelerator graduate the Grand Prize of $5,000 to Launch their business – and keep it growing through these “interesting” times!

We Launch You Contest – What is it?

Throughout our 2019 Coaching Business Accelerator Program, the Accelerators participated in our “We Launch You” Contest. They had certain criteria they had to meet to be eligible to win the Grand Prize – and in doing so, it meant they were moving their business forward (often by leaps and bounds).

Out of all the Accelerators, we narrowed it down to the Top 3 Finalists. Then, I have the difficult task to select the Grand Prize Recipient – which I’ll be doing next week!

The Accelerators busted through their business (and personal) stretch goals that allowed them to be eligible for a chance to win. They also were each integral in contributing to the strong community that was created among everyone in the program. Many have formed friendships that will last a lifetime. Others refer to it as a “family”.

I’ve done an interview of each of the 3 finalists so you can have a behind-the-scenes look into their journey:

  • The challenges they faced and the negative impact it was having on their business and life.
  • The mindsets and “dragons” that they had to overcome.
  • The results they’re experiencing (and how it’s strongly positioned them to handle everything unfolding with this pandemic crisis).
  • Why their business is critical during these times and how they’re pivoting to serve their clients.
  • The celebrations they’re continuing to experience (even in these uncertain times).

Announcing The Top 3 Finalists (in no particular order):


Tom Brush, Advancement Designs


Tom’s guidance, experience and coaching helps non-profit organizations who’ve had to cancel their fundraising events, are scared that they won’t be able to raise money, and stressed trying to figure out how to keep their organization running.

Mary Fineis, Game Changer Coaching, LLC


As a life, leadership and sports performance Coach, Mary works with student athletes and their parents to enable them to become the best version of their authentic self, execute their own personal success formula to reach goals, and develop a mindset that leads to improvement and enjoyment every day.

Kathleen Fanning, Invest In Yourself


Through Kathleen’s coaching programs and workshops, she supports women in higher education who struggle with the stress of juggling work and family and feel they’re not as successful as they’d like to be in either place.

Stay tuned… I’ll be announcing the GRAND PRIZE $5,000 Winner on Tuesday April 14th at Noon EST!

Stronger Together,