Ready… Fire… Aim… Successful Coaches and Entrepreneurs do NOT use this approach… Maybe try this instead???

Hire? Oh shoot! I’m supposed to aim. Yeah, that’s how most of the entrepreneurs and coaches that I encounter when they’re in the early phases and the startup of their business. That’s the approach they take to their business, and, it doesn’t work. It does not make sense on any level, not even if you are charismatic, and, you’re spontaneous. The ready fire aim approach simply leaves you scattered, ,overwhelmed, frustrated. You usually fall into desperation at some point. And really, what happens when you have this ready fire aim approach, is that you are relying on hope as a business, as a
business model, as a strategy for your success. And I’m here to tell you that your passions, your skills, your gifts, and, your talents like this work that you love doing is way too important to rely on hope. Being a strategy, a lot of times we’ll see this like; I’ll know you have the ready fire aim approaches if you’re like “Oh, look at this strategy, let me go do this. I hope this works.” “Oh that didn’t work. Okay, let me go to this one.” “Oh shoot that one didn’t!” We’re gonna look at bright shiny objects. Let me go get this one, and, you’re all over the place. That’s telling me that you have the ready fire aim approach – not healthy, not fun. Usually you don’t get results. Rather, we want to have the ready aim fire approach to our business. Kind of makes sense, right?

And I want to break that down – like what is ready, what is aim, what is fire me? So, with ready, that’s when you, as the business owner, you’re gathering knowledge. You’re learning this strategy. You’re learning the business of coaching, right? Because when it comes to creating success, and, doing the work that you love, you’ve got to be good at your skill set. Whether you’re a coach, whatever kind of service you’re offering to your clients, you got to be good at the skill set. You have to master the marketing of it; as well that comes into play. And you have to master the business of coaching. You’ve got to pay attention to all of those.

And in the ready stage, you’re taking a little bit of time. You’re investing time up front to gather the knowledge, gather the insight learn the pieces, and, the sequence to set things up in, and, have this understanding. Because my guess is, you’ve never done this. Most entrepreneurs don’t set out to be entrepreneurs. Something happens in their life, they have a job they don’t love, they have a job they get fired from, whatever the reason. then they become a business owner. So that you don’t know what you don’t know, so they’re ready part gathering knowledge.

The aim part is getting prepared in advance. You’re implementing that knowledge behind the scenes in an organized fashion. Now these two steps take a little bit of time. In the big picture, the scheme of things, it’s a blip on the screen but you must invest your time, attention, and, resources to get prepared behind the scenes in advance. Once you do that, once you know the knowledge, and, the best practices, you know the pieces, and, the sequence to set everything up in, then you implement it in a certain sequence. Now you have the confidence to go out and market. You know how to market, you know where to find your prospects, you know how to talk to those people, to engage them, to convert, them to become paying clients. The fire part of it is effortless. And then it just happens over and over and over and over consistently again. But it is in that order ready aim fire. So, if you’re not taking this approach I really invite you to see. Maybe you’ve got the ready fire, oh shoot aim. I meant to aim, don’t do that… Don’t let your passions, your skills, the work that is so needed in this world . Don’t leave it up to hope that’s not fun. That’s not what we’re about. That’s not what you’re about. The clients waiting for you, it’s not what they’re about either. Take the ready aim fire be a lot more fun.

Have you read Jenifer’s story about her coaching business?

Have your read Jennifer’s story that we shared with you recently? Well, the link is below. If you haven’t read about her journey in her coaching business, and, getting it launched, but I thought I’d pop in here. And I wanted to share with you what inspired me, and, what I loved about Jennifer’s story.

You see, well, she and I kind of follow the same path. I called it. I was fired from my job. She had a different way that she phrased, and, she talks about that in the story. But she had this “I-wanted-all” kind of attitude. And I absolutely loved that she is as she calls it, a hands-on mom. That’s how she described it – a hands-on mom to her young daughters. She wanted the lifestyle that she wanted to live. And she wanted to be an entrepreneur, and, half her business, and, it wasn’t about which one can I do; or like she’s like how I need all three to exist. And she did not back down. So, in the early stages of starting her business, things were getting kind of clunky, and, funky, and, weird, and, stressful. She quickly learned that there was three key things that would help her experience all of the above. It was the combination that was the the magic for Jennifer. It was the knowledge, plus the platform to implement, and, the support, and, guidance along the way. Like those three things, once Jennifer had that in place, speed was the byproduct. And she went from the way she called it. You’ll read it when you click below, if you haven’t read it already. But you’ll read the way she described it, zero everything. Like she had nothing – no clients, no mailing lists, nothing. She went from zero. Everything had exploded; her contact list to well, over four hundred, quickly got thirteen paying clients out of the blue. And she was off to the races. It was that combination, like I watched Jennifer powerfully take the the knowledge, the platform to implement, and, the support. Bring that together to help her leverage speed, to get results as an entrepreneur, as a mom, and, to have the lifestyle that she wanted.

And then she had this great story. Well, I will tell you the story. It’s in the link. You’ll read it at the the end of her story, but it was the evidence of all of that coming true. So, take a look below and I’d love to hear from you. You can you relate to Jennifer’s story. Maybe you have it a slightly different story, and, your journey of transformation on your business, but I want to hear from you. What inspired you about Jennifer’s story? Click below and let me know.

The Structure and Momentum She Needed to Build a Thriving Coaching Business

When Jenifer Horvath, founder of Heart Lifted Coaching, was reorganized out of her corporate job, it was both a dream and a nightmare: she finally had the time and space to become a full-time coach, but she was also overwhelmed with ALL the aspects of setting up her coaching business, finding clients, and changing her career path.

Fortunately, she’d already begun her coaching education—because this world traveler had a dream of being able to coach women (moms) from wherever she was—but she was still in the very early stages: fiddling with a website, email service provider, and online scheduler … and she didn’t have any paying clients yet.

As a single mom, Jenifer wanted a successful coaching practice that provided a steady stream of income, as well as the lifestyle that would allow her to be both an entrepreneur and a hands-on mom to her daughters.

She spent the first two months of her post-corporate life struggling to get her business up and running.

During that time, she felt stressed about the technology, and about the fact that she didn’t yet have paying clients or the income that would result from them.

That’s when she realized she needed structure and support if she ever hoped to get her business launched and profitable—with all the details organized and streamlined!

At that time, The Coaches Console and the Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp came onto her radar. As soon as she saw the technology and the supportive structure of the course, she knew she had to do it.

This, she said, was the universe helping her out.

Since starting with Bootcamp, she went from what she called “zero everything” to 420 email list subscribers and 13 paying clients. The TCC platform and the support and knowledge she acquired during Bootcamp have helped her get and stay focused and gain momentum.

She went from stressed and overwhelmed to reaching her goals and loving her life!

She’s now in charge and in control of her time and business, and she loves the flexibility of working from home she can spend more time with her kids.

Jenifer said that investing in herself, in her clients, and in her future was one of the best decisions she’s ever made. TCC and Bootcamp gave her the structure, insights, and community she needed, and she continues to use the content long after Bootcamp is officially over.

On a recent trip to the Rocky Mountains for a girls’ getaway, she realized she was living her entrepreneurial dream: she was coaching a client from the balcony of the condo where she was staying. The moment washed over her. She was traveling and coaching, and she’d soon return home to be a work-from-home mom with the flexibility and the means to really take care of her daughters.

Ahh … bliss!

For more real-life stories from coaches who used The Coaches Console and Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp to transform their businesses and their lives, download your complimentary copy of 12 Proven Strategies for Launching & Scaling a Coaching Business Now, here.

PS! Jenifer Horvath, founder of Heart Lifted Coaching, helps women, who are mothers, overcome overwhelm, get rid of the bag of guilt, stop procrastinating, figure out what they want, and then make it happen, all with a family

THIS is one of the TOP two things that keeps coaches and entrepreneurs from experiencing the results and success they desire… you’re not doing this are you? Nah, I didn’t think so… but thought I’d check…

When I first started my coaching business 15 years ago, one of the things that I was super excited about is I didn’t have to go to work. I didn’t have to go to an office. I didn’t have to get in my car, I didn’t have to drive. I just had to walk around the corner, and, sit down at my desk. And that’s where the beautiful benefits of being an entrepreneur, right?

Most of us, not everybody, but most entrepreneurs have a home office, right? I’ve got this office as though it was the old master bedroom. It’s the corner of my house, and it’s here and I had the luxury of about 30 steps to get to work. This is also one of the top two things that keeps coaches, and, entrepreneurs from really flourishing and thriving. And its isolation now this is like a double-edged sword, right? We get to have the flexibility of working from home, but it keeps us isolated. Often, we’re behind our computers, and, our desks working away. We’re doing it alone, and, that can be a dangerous territory if you’re not careful because when we’re isolated, typically what happens is, we only know what we know. We don’t have access to other perspectives, other people, other energies, and, emotions, and, thoughts, and, creativity. We stay in our little rhett.

The other thing that happens with isolation and working on our own, is that our fears, and, our villains, and, gremlins. They can get super loud. And so, isolation, while being an entrepreneur has great benefits. Those same benefits can turn detrimental if you are not careful. So, are you working in isolation community, is one of the most powerful components to your business success? Yes, there’s strategy. Yes, there’s marketing. Yes, you’ve got to be a great coach. Yes, you’ve got to have the backend organised. You’ve got to have all of that, and, community is a vital piece. Especially for those women, those of us or that are highly in our feminine. We love community. It’s where we thrive, right? The masculine hero’s journey – go out slay the dragons, come back to hero. Feminine support nurture the connectivity. The community is where we flourish. When we’re having a funky day, we can borrow the courage and insight from others. When we’re on top of our game, we can serve and support others. That may not be in that same spot. We learn from each other, grow with each other. We get to be seen and see others. We get to be witnessed on our journey, and, witness others. And those are powerful ingredients to your business success. Do not overlook them.

So, yes enjoy those benefits of working from home and havingthat flexibility in being your own boss. And don’t let it become a detriment to your business, right? Make sure that you are you’re connected with the like-minded like spirited group of people that have your back. And that you can do the same for them. That alone right there is going to catapult your intuition your creativity. The fun factor is going to make your journey through. All of this way more exciting and well worth it. So, where’s your community? This community right here, we hear time and time again. I feel like I’m home I found my people. I’m so glad there are other people that understand the journey thatI’m in. Find a community like that. If this is it, awesome! If there’s others, perfect. Do not isolate.

What I love about Joanna’s story… have your read her journey about her business? Maybe you can relate?

Another bootcamp graduate that we have recently interviewed was Johanna Clark, and I loved her story about her business. Well, actually, first I loved the kind of work that she does. She works with parents with little babies to help them get good sleep at night, and how to interact with their child, and, create a supportive environment, so the child is blissful and the parents are blissful. I mean how awesome is that! And Johanna was anything but blissful in her own business. And I find it fascinating that. because, well, the way Johanna described it, she was approaching her business as a hobbyist, right? Not as a professional. And she’s just kind of dabbling in it here and there. And I find it so fascinating how the type of clients and the struggles that Joanna works with was very similar to what she was experiencing right in her business. She was experiencing overwhelmed. She was cranky. She was trying to fit it in, and, really didn’t know what she was doing. And the same thing, her parents, as she was coaching, they were saying the same thing. They were kind of dabbing it. They didn’t know what they were doing. They were overwhelmed, they were cranky. And I love that the journeys mirrored each other because when you know what you’re doing. Things go a lot better and so just like Joanna is able to help parents know how to be parents, and, how to work with their children and create that environment with their children that both takes care of them as the parents and the babies and the kids. Joanna started doing the same with her business. She began learning how to take care of her business, how to tend to her business and create an environment that is supportive and nurturing of the kind of results she wanted. And that’s exactly what she got! And so, when we don’t know what we don’t know, just like brand-new parents – they do not know what they don’t know. And they learn fast, right? They learn through trial and error, that you can have somebody like a Joanna, where you don’t have to learn through trial and error. And it can be a much better journey. And Joanna did the same thing. So, if you’re trying to figure it out as you go, and you don’t know what you don’t know, and, your piece and a lot of stuff together, but you’re still overwhelmed and cranky, it might be time to find that person, that path, that guide, that community, that can help you figure out what it is you need to know so that you can create that supportive and behind the scenes. So, things are good behind the scenes. So, they’re good in the front of the scenes as well.

So check out Johanna’s story. I’ve copied the link below. Read her story and see if you can relate in your business. It might be time to stop following that I don’t know what I don’t know and still trying to get the results that you want. May not be the funnest way to do your business, but check out her story below. I think you might be able to relate to her.

Are you applying the 80/20 rule in your business?

Hey there!

You know, I was just working on some of our marketing and content, and, we made a blog post earlier, a few days ago, and it was about one of our graduates, Rachel. And it talks about the 80/20 principle. You’re probably familiar with that, right? Most coaches, when they’re first getting started, most entrepreneurs, they kind of have this formula backwards, right? They spend 80 percent of their time to get twenty percent of the results. And what I love about Rachel’s story is, she was actually doing that and it was not working for her. Her business was not going anywhere. As she said, she was kind of slogging through everything she had to do. She wasn’t getting results, and, then she flipped it around. And she’s like: “Wait a minute, I need to do 20% of the work, and, spend 20% of the time on my business, to get 80% of the results!” And as soon as she flipped that principle around, then she began to leverage the tools and the resources that guides the mentors. The communities that could help her effortlessly get her business in motion; and she did exactly that. I’ve included a link below where you can read her entire story about how she transformed her business, and, the kind of results she’s getting. She went from no list and chaos behind the scenes. Now, she’s got over 2,000 prospects on her list. She’s got a lot of buyers. She’s working with JV partners and she is like the the momentum that she’s creating. I’m inspired by it every day. And when I also live about her stories, because she’s working with this principle. Leveraging it to her good, right? She’s spending 20% of her energy, and, time, and, attention to get 80% of the results. Now her creativity is flourishing. Her passion is going through the roof, and she has more time to really nurture her business, and, her clients. And there’s more room for creativity. It’s like this snowball kind of building momentum in a positive direction. And she’s just getting started. So, if you haven’t read it, read Rachel’s story below. Check that out and see how you can leverage the 80-20 principle, and, how you might need to flip it on its head.