Today I want to get personal with you. As a woman, I’m sure you might be able to relate…
The world has taught women to shrink, to play small, to hold back, to hush and not speak, to go along with status quo… and isolation keeps that in check. I know I’ve felt this in my own life. I’ve felt I had to not be too loud, too much—and it held me back until I was able to move past these beliefs.
A big part of my own personal empowerment came through sisterhood.
When women rally together in community, in sisterhood, our voices unite and it becomes easier for each woman individually to overcome her doubts, fears, villains and limiting beliefs and to be brave, reach for her courage, claim her power, beauty and worth in this world and put forth her gifts creating transformation in not only herself, but in all those around her…
I’ve seen this happen in my own life. Once I found the support of other women, I could really step into my power and become who I was meant to be. And now, I’m able to shine my light and be a guide for so many others…
Which is why sisterhood is a HUGE part of our live event. Because it matters to me and I know how important it is for YOU…
Our live event is not just a “sit in the audience” and learn techniques and strategies and stuff your brain full of more knowledge… it’s immersive, experiential… we’re up, moving and interacting… creating a natural environment for people to establish relationships, connect with one another, learn together, provide accountability.
Sisterhood is a coming together in vulnerable, transparent ways. it’s not just about celebrating the highs of the highs… but being able to research and ask the messy questions… it’s about rolling up our sleeves and getting into it and learning through doing in a safe, sacred environment and container. And that’s EXACTLY what I’ve created at Lifestyle LIVE!
Another big part of sisterhood is FUN... bringing fun and efficiency and effectiveness together simultaneously. We do that through the way we set up the different sessions, exercises, and action items that are created and completed at the actual event itself. I want you getting out of your head and connecting—in a full-body experience. There is movement and rituals, along with total transparency and authenticity.
Each of us, as women, can grow through the support of others—and we do this by coming together, being vulnerable and having fun! If you’re ready for this kind of experience, and for more SISTERHOOD in your life, then I hope you join us in February. Get your ticket now!
Today I want to tell you about what I believe is the most important thing for your business right now (more than ever before!)
Ready to know what this one thing is?
Drumroll, please…
Community is paramount. But for your and your business, it’s not only about community, I’m talking specifically about sisterhood.
Isolation is the enemy of success for a woman… or anyone actually.
This concept is SO important to me that I’ve made it a critical element of my own business. I created Lifestyle LIVE!, the live experience in February, as a place for community and sisterhood to blossom.
I know the power and magic that happens when we join together, in-person, and make true, lasting connections. It makes all the difference in our lives and in our business.
If you need more sisterhood in your life,
Today I want to tell you about what I believe is the most important thing for your business right now (more than ever before!)
Ready to know what this one thing is?
Drumroll, please…
Community is paramount. But for you and your business, it’s not only about community, I’m talking specifically about sisterhood.
So, why is sisterhood so important? Especially right now?
Because isolation is the enemy of success for a woman… or anyone actually.
While men have the Hero’s journey for success, many women have been emulating this masculine approach to success: find a dragon to slay, go out on our own, isolated and slay the dragon, come back the hero).
Here’s the thing: this approach does not work for the feminine! The feminine is about collaboration, inspiring others, witnessing others on their journey and being witnessed on your own journey.
Connectedness, collaboration, co-creation is the heart and soul of community and specifically sisterhood… this is where ultimate success lies for the female entrepreneur (not in isolation).
It’s in community that 1+1=11! Where we can leverage each other’s strengths, experiences, weaknesses, mistakes, vulnerabilities and all learn together, collectively, thus making the journey easier (because we’re not alone), more fun (because we can share in celebrations together in real time), less daunting (because we can borrow the courage of our colleagues and confidantes when we lose sight of our own), and more sustainable (because there is built in accountability).
Sisterhood is when like-minded, like-spirited, like-committed women come together to take themselves higher and one another higher. When we can look into the eyes of another woman and see her as “sister” there is a connection that is made that unites us and creates an unbreakable bond that brings about a confidence that has been missing in women.
This concept is SO important to me that I’ve made it a critical element of my own business. I created Lifestyle LIVE!, the live experience in February, as a place for sisterhood to blossom. I know the power and magic that happens when we join together, in-person, and make true, lasting connections. It makes all the difference in our lives and in our business.
If you need more sisterhood in your life, I encourage you to join us in February. You can still get a ticket and join us in Atlanta for Valentine’s Day! Get your ticket now!
I’ll be sharing more on the importance of sisterhood in a few days…I have SO much to share with you on this topic because I believe it’s absolutely critical to your business and personal growth!
Are you struggling with getting the next level in your business? Or desiring bigger results?
We’re addressing these exact issues head on at our live event in a few weeks.
But I wanted to give you three tips right now that you can do …
This all boils down to what’s most important in your business—YOU!
If you want to make an investment in YOU, then Lifestyle LIVE will catapult your business and give you so much, in only three days.
This event will help you:
Develop the marketing you need to attract your ideal clients
Use automation to convert
Have confidence in your enrollments and onboarding
Walk away with a full business plan for 2019
Make new connections with a community of like-minded coaches and entrepreneurs
No matter if you join me at the live event or not… what I most want for you this year is to create a business beyond your wildest dreams, so you can live the lifestyle beyond your wildest dreams (and I’m guessing your dreams are pretty wild – but I won’t tell anyone)!
I hope you’ve enjoyed the Taste of the Magic series… I know I’ve enjoyed sharing it with you.
Today is the last installment in this series… and it’s one of my favorite topics:
Enrollment conversations.
I want to talk with you about how it pertains to you, in the three more important ways: as it pertains to you personally, in your business, and spiritually. Let’s dive in…
Personal: Having a conversation with someone when they are considering stepping boldly out of their comfort zone and going for their greatest dreams… that is one of the greatest privileges we have as a coach. They are daring to become a better version of themselves… they are daring to create a better world for themselves and/or their families… That is a very vulnerable spot for someone to be in. And to have someone trust you enough to have a conversation about this is something that should never be taken lightly.
If you are going into an enrollment conversation thinking “I hope they hire me” – forget it! Don’t even show up! Instead go into that conversation knowing how vulnerable it is for them to talk about their goals and desire for change… go into that conversation knowing the level of trust it requires… that they trust you enough with something that is so important to them. As a coach, you have the opportunity to hold a vision for someone else when they can’t hold it for themselves…After all, that is what great coaching is… and that is what a great enrollment conversation is centered around! Take that privilege seriously! If they hire you… fine… If they don’t… leave them better than when you found them… but stand for them and hold that vision for them when they can’t do it on their own yet…
Business: Enrollment conversations are NOT about “do you want to hire me as your coach?”
They are about
helping the person get extreme clarity on the negative impact of their current situation, as well as the positive impact of their desired situation. Enrollment Conversations are about
making sure the person can articulate the VALUE of the results and can clearly see how coaching is the supporting tool that will help them complete their journey of transformation and enrollment conversations are about
their commitment… on a scale from 1 – 10 how committed is that person to going for their dreams and making them a reality? Clarity + Value + Commitment = New Client!
Spiritual: Enrollment conversations are our spiritual playground for learning and practicing the art of detachment. When you make enrollment conversations about YOU – the new client you’ll get, the revenue that will be generated, the growth of your business and so on… it’s all about the coach – and then, ATTACHMENT wins every time… You’re attached to the outcome “or else you fail.” But when you place your attention on THEM, the potential client, now you can be fully of service to them and helping them to get to their solid yes or their solid no. When you can support someone in getting to THEIR best decision, you cultivate confidence in yourself and those around you.
Once you experience detachment THEN you can begin to play in the paradox of simultaneously having the conversation be about your needs and desires AS WELL AS being of profound service to them.
So, if you’re ready to dive deeper into your business—and create a business plan for the business of your wildest dreams—I hope you’ll consider joining me at Lifestyle LIVE this year. That’s where the real magic happens. This is only a taste of it.
I don’t know about you, but I’m loving this Taste of the Magic series. It’s been so fun to share a bit of the deeper insights you—the juicy stuff we dive into at the live event. I hope you’re feeling the love and the magic from wherever you are. And if you’re ready to commit to making 2019 your best year ever, don’t forget you can still get your ticket to Lifestyle LIVE waiting for you.
I want to talk with you about the Journey of Transformation… (also known as the Client Success Path)
One of the common reasons I see coaches struggle in the early stages of their business is because they’re trying to sell coaching. Initially this makes sense because for the coach, coaching is their passion, coaching is what they love, they just want to talk about the awesomeness of coaching… and that’s great when you’re in a circle of coaches….
But when you’re talking with your prospects, clients and referral partners… stop selling coaching.
People don’t buy coaching… they invest in results.
They invest their time and money into ending the things in their world that create challenges and frustrations, that elevate worry and stress and doubt! They invest their time and money into creating new habits, adopting new paradigms that help them to obtain their goals, turn their dreams and desires into reality. If you’re selling coaching – forget it! You’ll convert about 2% of the people that you talk to! That means that 98% of the people you talk to will say “NO!” to hiring you. That’s not fun!
When you encounter your ideal type of client they are living on pain island – their life is filled with challenges and frustrations and often they’ve reached a point of “enough is enough.” They also have aspirations, goals. dreams and desires… they just don’t know how to make them a reality…
The distance between the pain island they currently live on and the pleasure island of the dreams and desires they most want is what I call the Journey of Transformation! That path is the client’s path to success!
And YOU are the guide… providing insight, sharing wisdom, resources and accountability along the way to make sure they complete the journey.
People want to know that
their dreams and desires and goals are real and attainable (not the “it’s too good to be true mindset)
and they want to know that it’s possible for THEM to complete the journey of transformation.
That’s where your coaching comes in… But FIRST you MUST paint this picture of the Journey of Transformation so that you’re clear on that path so you can convey it to others!
When you’re able to demonstrate your own transformation, you help others see it’s possible for them too. Keep this in mind as you approach every area of your business and you can’t go wrong.
Here’s to your success,
P.S. Join us for our second annual LIVE EXPERIENCE and discover absolutely everything you need to know and do to make 2019 the year you fall head over heels in love with your business!
This live event is for you, no matter where you are in your business, or where you are in your life. Your timing is perfect.
This live event is for anyone who wants to create a profitable, sustainable, thriving coaching business that takes care of you and those you love.