Why? Because this is what The Coaches Console is built upon…everything I believe in. And as you continue to grow your business, it’s important for you to get crystal clear on your beliefs too. I hope my sharing mine, it’ll help you gain more clarity on yours. So, here it goes…
I believe…
women are the greatest untapped resource in the world. As one of my mentors describes, women are living with their lids on, have been holding back and keeping quiet for too long… and that is changing!
entrepreneurs will change world.I believe that it’s through individuals following their callings and individual passions that collectively we’ll come together to support others in having greater experiences and supporting ourselves and others in experiencing transformation in this world. It’s through creativity, inspiration, a sense of service and cultivating great experiences that this world will transform in love. And it’s the creative aspiration and dreams and inspirations of the entrepreneur spirit that will lead the way. Remember: “As you allow your light to shine…. you give others permission to do the same”.
coaches are the gateway for transformation.People are taking a stand… groups are organizing around important causes… women are speaking up… more businesses are being started by entrepreneurs each day… people are taking charge of their health… there is great positive transformation that is happening in this world and folks simply don’t know what they don’t know… and they don’t know how to break out of old paradigms and break old habits alone. Isolation is the enemy of success. People have been living in isolation for too long… and people are ready to make change in their lives… but they need support, guidance and accountability. Coaches are the gateway for others to experience this critical mass in transformation that is happening in our world today. We have the privilege of a front row seat and being the revolutionaries that are paving the way!
As an entrepreneur we spend so much of our time learning new strategies, orchestrating and implementing, analyzing what’s working, reviewing what to do differently… but I believe being an entrepreneur is MORE than just a head trip. It’s a full body experience. Body – Mind AND business!As entrepreneurs, especially women entrepreneurs… we must get out of the head and into the body. We must bring our body, our energy and our intuition to the table as well. Leading with equal parts mind and equal parts body is a necessary approach to create sustainable results that create BOTH a business beyond your wildest dreams AND a lifestyle beyond your wildest dreams. If it’s just a head trip… you’ll work long hours, become a workaholic, get burnt out and push through… always giving of the fumes. Instead we MUST give of the overflow… so there is even more of us to give to others in abundance in ways that we never get depleted. The more we can give of the overflow, the more we can serve more people while ALSO being present with our families, our communities and our passions. Both can exist simultaneously.
So, now I want to challenge you: What do you believe?
Here’s to your success,
P.S. If you want more of this magic, claim your ticket to Lifestyle LIVE. It’s an opportunity for us to come together, in-person—and make magical connections. Make the commitment and invest in YOU today! Get your ticket now. 25% off ends tomorrow!
This event will also show you how to break down every element of your business, and turn those elements into specific and actionable steps that you can take to turn your dreams into realities.
And here’s the bonus I’m offering to you this year…I want you to REALLY get the most out of this event. You can now win a full makeover for your business! That’s right, if you are chosen, you’ll get my full attention on your business. Get your ticket by 1/18 to be eligible for the business makeover opportunity!
Yesterday, I filled you in on why trust is the “key: to list-building…If you didn’t get a chance to read my email yet, make sure you go back when you can. I’m giving you a taste of the magic over the next few weeks—snippets of in-depth info we cover at Lifestyle LIVE.
I want you to get a true taste of the magic that happens when we come together. Most importantly, I want YOU to have this information for your business!!
As you know, this series is part of how we’re getting ourselves revved up for the upcoming Lifestyle LIVE! February 11-13 in Atlanta (and remember, you can claim your 25% off ticket now, here!).
So today, I want to talk even more about list-building and how it relates to you personally, and as a woman, more specifically…
List building is an external representation of YOU and your business. It’s a physical action you can take to put yourself out there—being seen, being heard… that’s a big deal! Especially in this day and age… more women than ever are finding their voices, learning how to speak up and stand for what they believe in.
When you’ve mastered “being invisible” and “keeping quiet” for so long, it’s not an easy thing to just start doing – just because you have to do it in your business. More often than not with the coaches I work with, especially the women (which is 85% of our community), this is one of the biggest internal breakthroughs that most be achieved.: finding your voice and sharing it!
Does it have to take a long time? Nope! Does it have to be grueling? Nope… Do you have to do it… YES!!!
Just be mindful that the act of marketing, selling, list building – it’s all about putting yourself out there. One of the things I notice is that when our clients (and me too) put all their attention on themselves (asking questions like: Am I getting it right? Am I saying the right thing, will they like what I’m offering, will they care about what I’m saying, how do I look… and all those villains that creep up in our heads) it becomes debilitating!
However, during list building, sales and enrollment, when you can place your attention on THEM, being of service to THEM, helping THEM… when you can come from that inherent place of service that is what makes you a great coach to begin with…
Once the focus is on your audience, now it’s easier to have conversations…now it’s easier to put yourself out there… you’re doing it for THEM!
So think of list building not as “what can I do for my business” but instead “how many people can I serve.” See the difference?
I hope this helps you. More to come soon…
Here’s to your success,
P.S. Remember, you have 25% off your ticket to Lifestyle LIVE! and you can claim it now, here.
I want to start this special Taste of the Magic series—which I’m sharing with you because I want you to get a true taste of the magic that happens when we come together. This is a sample of what I share at Lifestyle LIVE!, the live experience in February. I want YOU to have this for your business.
So, let’s start by talking about list-building and YOUR business…
Your ability to learn and implement list building where you’re steadily and constantly meeting, finding, connecting with and bringing in new people to your business is VITAL to the success of your business.
Your list building activities are the PORTAL, like the front door, into your business and your passion.
It does two things…
Your list building (your lead magnet, what you say at networking events, your follow up messages, nurturing sequences, etc.):
Meets your people—the type of people you love interacting and working with right where they are – which is in the spot of their challenges and frustrations. Your list building is your ability to demonstrate massive compassion to these folks to let them know “you get it.” You understand the spot they’re in and you’ve been there yourself… and just how much it sucks! Sometimes, people just need to hear someone else say “wow, that sucks.” And…
Your list-building allows these new acquaintances to get to know you – what your passions are, what you stand for, the transformation that is possible… It also provides people with a taste of your style: how you show up in this world—so a relationship can be established, trust can be built.
When folks know you, like you and trust you, THAT’S when they hire you, rehire you and refer you…
People don’t buy coaching. They invest in results and they only do that when they trust the person they’re talking to…. and there’s 3 layers of trust:
Trusting you – that you’re the right guide for them on their journey…
Trusting your services or programs that the way you work will support them in creating transformation…
And most importantly, trusting themselves… that within your services/programs and with you as their guide, trusting that THEY will actually do the work!
We’ll be covering list-building even MORE in-depth at Lifestyle LIVE, but I hope this gives you a taste of the magic…More to come soon!
Here’s to your success,
P.S. Remember, you get 25% off your ticket to Lifestyle LIVE! and you can claim it now, here. Claim now while you still get the discount!
I have to say that time is running short. This event will be here before you know it, and it’s time to take the step! Invest in your business … invest in the results. Claim your 25% off ticket today!
I had a big AHA moment before 2019. I realized that…you don’t really know who I am!
We’ve not spent much time together outside of emails. This hit me as I was looking at all the emails I’ve written to promote Lifestyle LIVE—the live event happening in February.
I want to be totally honest, transparent and vulnerable with you. I realized that all my Bootcampers and Accelerators are signing up and jumping on board to attend this live experience. But with everyone else, it’s been crickets…which got me thinking! What is missing? What is not coming through?
And that’s when the AHA moment hit me…
It’s the magic that happens when we work together.
The magic that happens when we come together, live and in-person.
Even though we’ve not spent much time together, outside of emails, I want to give you a taste of the magic. I want to give you a taste of the magic that our Bootcampers and Accelerators get.
I want you to have that as well.
This is why I’m creating a live event—so we can experience this together. And if you get your ticket before January 18th, you’ll get 25% off. Buy your ticket now!
But beyond just the live event, I want to give you a taste of the magic, so you can experience it for your business. As a result, I’ve created this Taste of the Magic email series…and I’ll be sending you a little taste every other day throughout January. Pay attention to these emails to get better results for yourself and your business!
Today, I want to talk about the cornerstone of my coaching business—and why you need to let your light shine in 2019!
The cornerstone of how I serve people (and why) and the cornerstone for everything in my life can be summed up by this quote:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
-Marianne Williamson
I’ll break down the different parts that inspire me and why…
(Sidenote: My dad used to do this with his sermons btw….he’d take a particular scripture and each Sunday, he’d take one sentence from that scripture and dissect it and dive into its meaning. I always LOVED it when he did those types of sermons. I won’t write an entire sermon here, I’ll just share snippets of what inspires me about each statement in this quote):
“It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”
>>> In this world that we live in, we’ve learned how to navigate the darkness….we know literally how to flip a switch or light a candle and instantly bring light to darkness… There are many resources, occupations and modalities that help us understand the shadow, the darkness, the devastation (to a certain degree). What has been lacking is an understanding of the vastness and potential of our light.
And because this is so unknown, it’s frightening. Especially for women! We’ve been taught, or others have modeled for us, to not let our light shine…
“Sugar and spice and everything nice” right? Nope! In studying the psychology of color and being an interior designer, I learned early on that white is the collection of ALL colors…and black is the absence of it. Our light is not just the pleasantries—our light is the TOTAL COLLECTION of ALL OF YOU! Every attribute, every emotion, every quality… and it’s because we’ve never been shown how to handle it that it frightens us.
“We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”
>>> So many women, and people in general really, play small in an effort to help others feel bigger and good. It’s a backwards attempt at raising others up… but your playing small keeps your gifts and talents out of this world. It provides a hole in this world that only you can fill…
“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
>>> Leading by example is the best form of leadership there is! Leadership through vulnerability and transparency provides courage to others that their journey is possible and that they, too, can do it!
My wish for you is that you let your light shine in 2019!
Here’s to your success,
P.S. Want more magic in your life and your business this year? Remember, you get 25% off your ticket to Lifestyle LIVE! through January 18th and you can claim it now, here.