Slema was anything but confident to leap full-on into her coaching business because she wasn’t quite sure of which steps to take, in which order, to sign clients and then give them the support they needed. This was the point at which Selma sought the structure lacking in her business. This is when Selma turned things around in her business and she began to experience her unique personal touch that she could give her clients… focusing on her zone of genius!
Watch and be ready to be inspired in my interview with one of our Rockstar Bootcamp Graduates as you experience Selma’s story as she steadily dials in her business and work with clients in ways she never imagined.
I loved learning about a unique hobby that Selma has been doing for 40 years (hint: she’s from the Netherlands) and the unique lifestyle Selma has created… even in “retirement.”
When she found a new perspective and the structure her business was lacking, now Selma feels “very confident” about her product because she knows she has a “real-Selma” way to coach people.
The same is true in your business…
Find the structure, experience the confidence.
Selma’s story is inspiring.
If you’ve ever felt unclear on who you serve, how to find clients or are taking action but not getting results…
Check out Selma’s story below…
Then leave a comment and let me know your favorite frame, or a nugget that you found inspiring for your own business…
Here’s to your success,
P.S. Enrollments for our Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp ends tomorrow, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5TH at MIDNIGHT!
It’s time to get your business organized in one integrated system and better serve your clients, increase your time productivity and generate more income easily!
Are you ready to experience ease and time-freedom and really make the impact you’re here to make? I thought so 😉
Easy Breezy Bootcamp CASE STUDY: Creating an Amazing Business to Live an Amazing Life
This was the point at which Lisa said she was at “a fork in her soul.” This is when Lisa turned things around in her business and she began to experience her passion, renewed connection with her family and greater results!
Watch and be ready to be inspired in my interview with one of our Rockstar Bootcamp Graduates as you experience Lisa’s story as she navigates leaving the safety of her corporate job and regaining control of her life, health and happiness.
It’s not easy to take that leap of faith when everything in you knows that the path you’re currently on is not serving you but it still provides financially for your family… Lisa models that journey and shows us how it’s done with deep courage!
Have you found yourself in that spot with starting your coaching business?
It’s time to take a leap of faith and you’re scared to death?
Lisa’s story is inspiring and can help you find your footing to take the right next steps that will have the biggest impact (and make the biggest difference not only for your business but for your life)!.
Leave a comment and let me know your favorite frame, or a nugget that you found inspiring for your own business…
Here’s to your success,
P.S. Enrollments for our Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp ends Friday, October 5th at Midnight!
It’s time to get your business organized in one integrated system and better serve your clients, increase your time productivity and generate more income easily!
Are you ready to experience ease and time-freedom and really make the impact you’re here to make? I thought so 😉
In a previous life, before coaching, I was working in a full-time job doing work that I loved, actually. I discovered coaching and began pursuing it as a hobby and had discovered that this is what I was born to do!
Then one day, totally unexpected, I was FIRED from my job. WHAT THE ?!?!?!
This type-A, overachiever, perfectionist (back then anyways) does not get fired. That doesn’t happen to me! I went through so many emotions in that moment all at once. I was totally shocked, couldn’t believe it. Then I hit the pissed stage, then the embarrassed stage kicked in and I finally landed in fear. In a matter of moments, I actually thought I would be homeless, dying in a gutter, with no food and no clothes… In that moment, that’s how real my fear made everything feel.
After calling a close girlfriend and totally freaking out about what happened to me, she asked me “what’s the worst thing that could happen?!” After barking back at her “didn’t you hear me? I said I’m gonna be homeless, dead in a gutter with no clothes and no food!” She said “Good! I have an extra bedroom, we wear the same size clothes and I have more food in my pantry than I can eat.” What else are you worried about?”
And just like that, my fear dissipated. I faced my worst nightmare head on. And I realized that I was a smart woman, totally capable of whatever I put my mind to and I realized that while this was a total shock, it would not be the end of me. I realized that I could come out of this any way I wanted to.
And in that moment, I made a decision. I decided that rather than go get another job I would turn my hobby of coaching into a business. After all, this was my new found calling!
The only problem was I had NO experience in starting a business! I had only ever been an employee. I had no idea where to even begin, what to do or how to get started. I just knew I did NOT want to get a job and I needed to make money quickly.
And because I was also recently divorced at the time and on my own for the very first time in my life, I had to work smarter, not harder to get my business doing!
I became obsessed with learning everything that needed to be in place behind the scenes of my coaching business so it was organized and streamlined in advance before I dared to even try to get clients. I knew that when someone said YES to hiring me, I wanted to be 100% confident I could deliver on what I promised and I wanted to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks; after all, folks were going to be paying me for my services!
And because my super power is organization and efficiency (really, I geek out over this), it wasn’t too long before I had my entire business set up and launched. And within six months I had a full practice of 18 full-paying clients and was on my way to making over $50k in my first year… and I was having a blast and I hadn’t even finished my coach training.
Our stories and experiences don’t define us; but how we respond to them is where the real power lives! You have your current situation, your current story whatever it may be… and it does not have to define you… you can respond and take different action, right now to create the results and business and life that you want to be living.
It’s time…
It’s time to make the commitment to yourself, to your dreams, to what you know you’re here to do!
It’s time to stop wasting time on trial and error. It’s time to end the struggle and overwhelm, It’s time to step into confidence and your full potential and create the business beyond your wildest dreams!
And that’s why I’ve created our NEW Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp 2.0 Bundled with 6 months FREE of The Coaches Console… to set you on the path of freedom!
The time has come…
We are closing enrollments for our Easy Breezy Bootcamp Friday, October 5th at Midnight!
I’ll never forget that lunch. It was one of the most gut-wrenching days of my early career. I was brand new in my business and the steady revenue hadn’t kicked in yet. I had expenses and my debt was increasing quickly. But I just knew this business was going to work!
At lunch one day I was talking with my father (who is one of the most amazing men I know) and was sharing my financial struggles with him. And he, as only a dad can do, tilted his glasses to the tip of his nose, peered over the top of the rims and said to me “Melinda, it’s simple. Your outgo is more than your income. You just need to get a job.” UGH! Did he really just say that to me?!?! I mean my greatest hero, my raving fan, my true believer…. Really? He just stopped believing in me and my dreams?? Yep, he sure did! It was like a knife in my heart slicing out my dreams. Now, my father, at the time, meant that in deep love and in support of making sure I was taking care of myself while pursuing my dreams, but I couldn’t hear that until the gift of hindsight had kicked in. That day at lunch, when those words came from my dad’s mouth, the only thing I heard was “give up on your dream Melinda, it’s no use.” I stood up from the table and with every ounce I had in me I looked at my day, said a few choice swear words and said to him “oh yeah, watch this!” In the coming months, I made darn sure I had my shit together in the back end of my business so there was no way I was going to fail. Failure was not an option!
And I knew that to the degree I had my back end set up, the systems and processes in place, the way I set myself up to support my clients so I could over-deliver, making sure I had the mechanisms in place to make it easy to grow my list by leaps and bounds (not just by one or two here and there) … I knew that to the degree I had systems and an infrastructure in place to support everything necessary to grow my list, get clients and make money, that I would experience that same degree of success! While most of my colleagues were focusing on the latest marketing fad, I was focusing on the back end of my business being so organized, streamlined and automated that it didn’t require much of my time to handle it all so I could eventually spend more focusing on marketing and working with my clients – instead of like my colleagues, scrambling around behind the scenes, highly stressed trying to figure out how to make it all happen. I had already done all that so when I did start marketing, it was like a machine of endless referrals and clients! And in a few short months I had a full practice of 18 paying clients and raving fans that would then refer me tons of new clients into the months and years to come! Because I spent just a bit of time getting my shit organized behind the scenes I was confident I could deliver what I was promising and powerfully serving my clients to get outrageous results. And this, this made all the difference in the months and years to come.
Now I can say thank you to my dad… for in that moment when he, out of deep love, became my greatest naysayer, he became my greatest motivating factor! And because of that single moment in history, and me taking on the challenge, my business is now well beyond the 7-figure mark and I’m supporting thousands of other coaches to do the same!
In fact, I’m offering a free Masterclass to share what I learned with you as well – The Truth Behind the Business of Coaching: The Step-by-Step Guidance and Magic Behind an Easy Breezy Coaching Business. Click below to reserve your free spot and join me as I share with you the 3 secrets successful coaches implement to create a thriving business that runs itself. Plus, I’ll be taking you behind the scenes so you know the TRUTH about what it really takes behind the scenes to make all the magic of your business happen… And when you implement the 1 strategy I’ll be sharing during this free masterclass, it will be way easier and less time consuming than you think!
So, click on the link below and reserve your free spot on this upcoming Masterclass.
You know that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you get that letter that starts with “We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you….” Maybe you don’t. But I sure do! It happened when I applied to college! I wanted to double major in Interior Design and Music so this particular school was perfect for me!
I was PISSED when I got that letter and rejected me! I was an ideal candidate! Everything about my application was spot on… except for my SAT scores (another embarrassing story for a different post). Other than that, there was no reason they shouldn’t have accepted me. Other friends got accepted that had worse scores than me and a lot less on their college resume! I couldn’t believe it!
Anytime I saw someone wearing a sweatshirt from that college or their car had a bumper sticker from that college I always thought to myself “What do they have that I don’t? They don’t want it as bad as me! It’s not FAIR!!!”
Oh, I was pissed!
That rejection didn’t stop me! It became my rocket fuel for my desire! My desire WAS going to become a reality!!!
I found out the exact pieces I needed to have in place so I could transfer in… and for the next two years, at a local private college, I became persistent and excelled in implementing those precise steps, it caused me to do even better, honing my skills and talents. I rose to the occasion, took persistent and took consistent action.
My dream may have been delayed by 2 years, but I made it… with flying colors! I transferred to the college of my dreams and the final 3 years of school were the best years ever! And I became an even better version of myself in the process.
Even if it feels like your dream is not unfolding like you thought or your dream seems to be shut down, DON’T GIVE UP!!
Keep taking guided, consistent action. Find out what it takes to make your dream a reality and then commit to doing it! Sometimes a “NO” is just an invitation from the Universe for you to say a bigger, louder YES!
That’s why I’ve put together The Coaching Business Roadmap To Success. A complimentary resource with the exact pieces and the precise sequence to set up your entire coaching business – from start to finish! Now you can simply take each step and turn your dream into a reality!
Click on the link below and grab your roadmap today!
All I ask, is that you pay it forward… Share it forward…. Think of someone in your life who you know needs this resource, someone whose life or business needs these tools. Click the button below and share it with them. You’ll be amazed what manifests in your life and business when you share and build each other up!