Are you applying the 80/20 rule in your business?

Hey there!

You know, I was just working on some of our marketing and content, and, we made a blog post earlier, a few days ago, and it was about one of our graduates, Rachel. And it talks about the 80/20 principle. You’re probably familiar with that, right? Most coaches, when they’re first getting started, most entrepreneurs, they kind of have this formula backwards, right? They spend 80 percent of their time to get twenty percent of the results. And what I love about Rachel’s story is, she was actually doing that and it was not working for her. Her business was not going anywhere. As she said, she was kind of slogging through everything she had to do. She wasn’t getting results, and, then she flipped it around. And she’s like: “Wait a minute, I need to do 20% of the work, and, spend 20% of the time on my business, to get 80% of the results!” And as soon as she flipped that principle around, then she began to leverage the tools and the resources that guides the mentors. The communities that could help her effortlessly get her business in motion; and she did exactly that. I’ve included a link below where you can read her entire story about how she transformed her business, and, the kind of results she’s getting. She went from no list and chaos behind the scenes. Now, she’s got over 2,000 prospects on her list. She’s got a lot of buyers. She’s working with JV partners and she is like the the momentum that she’s creating. I’m inspired by it every day. And when I also live about her stories, because she’s working with this principle. Leveraging it to her good, right? She’s spending 20% of her energy, and, time, and, attention to get 80% of the results. Now her creativity is flourishing. Her passion is going through the roof, and she has more time to really nurture her business, and, her clients. And there’s more room for creativity. It’s like this snowball kind of building momentum in a positive direction. And she’s just getting started. So, if you haven’t read it, read Rachel’s story below. Check that out and see how you can leverage the 80-20 principle, and, how you might need to flip it on its head.

Doing MORE is not the path to success… it’s the fastest path to burnout… Successful coaches and entrepreneurs do this instead…

Hey there!

You know, doing more is not the path to success. It’s actually the fastest path to burnout. A lot of times, entrepreneurs, especially when they’re first getting started, they buy into this thinking of: “well if I can just do this one more project, or implement this one more strategy, or just do this one more thing before I leave, then it’ll…” And it’s the “if-then,” right? [And doing] More here’s why it’s the fastest path to burnout – its fear-based. That whole “if-then” or “if-when” thinking. So, you’re letting your fears dictate your actions -which that’s just gonna create a mess. It’s also putting you in
reactionary mode: “this oh crap I got to do!” “that oh crap I need to do this!” And everything feels urgent and important, right? We’ve lost sight of the reality of what’s urgent, what’s important; but can actually wait. And we’ve lost sight of that because you’re in reactionary mode. Because fears are driving your thoughts and your actions. And there’s no time to rejuvenate. The more you do the more, you cram in and just that one more thing there’s no time for you to rejuvenate. So you are giving of your fumes your sputtering along,
trying to dip into the bottom wells of your gas tank. And you’re trying to do this monumental thing called setup-launch-and-run your business. But you’re doing it on the fumes nobody can run them, nobody can live life like that, much less start a business like that. And so, instead of doing more, it’s about being more to specific things that I want you to focus on being more efficient. It is the first thing. And what that means, is you know that old cliche working harder, I mean working smarter. No, no, no, we’re being smarter not harder, right?

And what being more efficient looks like, is having an organized back into your business chaos. In the backend means chaos, in the front end that’s not how we want to show up. You’re not professional, you won’t be credible. You’ll lose a lot of opportunities. So, make sure you’re organized in the backend of your business. You have systems and processes in place, so that when you follow those consistent
steps every time, they’re generating consistent results. Consistency allows you to free up your time and energy to focus on what you love. And then it also means having a degraded back-end. Not spending all your time trying to manage multiple platforms, multiple technologies, multiple pieces. bBut making sure it’s all working together like a well-oiled machine. Now your business can work for you! You want to work so friggin’ hard for your business.

And then the second thing I want you to focus on, instead of doing more- it’s about being more nurturing nurturing with self care. So many like this is the secret weapon of entrepreneurs. Self care usually, it’s well – when I have time, I’ll get to taking care of myself. Because you’re doing the whole more thing, and creaming your time
with other stuff, and doing it badly. But when you can flip that around, and, you can prioritize self-care, now you’re fuelling yourself up. You’re feeling yourself up energetically. You’re staying connected to your “WHY,” which drives your passion. Now you can think more clearly. There’s more energy that you have, so, you can actually accomplish a lot more in a lot less time. So, you’re working smarter,
you’re spending your time more wisely, right? Nurturing also means being more creative. The more you spend time on things like meditation, journaling, doing gratitudes, taking walks, and, what one
of my friends calls “percolating,” now your creativity can rise up. Because you have the time, and, space, and, energy. Because you’re being more efficient, you’re being more nurturing. Now you’re thinking more clearly, you have more creative thoughts. You see strategies, and, situations, and, challenges with more clarity. And you can even bring in your intuition, right? It’s equal parts strategy, equal parts intuition.

When it comes to running your business, especially for us women, and for you guys out there that have done a really great job of bringing in both the masculine and feminine intuition, is one of this another secret weapon of the entrepreneur. So, it’s not about doing
more. It’s about being more, being more efficient, and, being more nurturing.

What can you do today? I want you to comment below whether it’s being more efficient and having an organized back in our systems and processes and integration or whether it’s being more nurturing self
care that creativity that intuition. What can you reach for today to help you stop doing more, and, start being more? It kick into a snowball that will create positive results in your business like that. I can’t wait to see what happens for you!

From Overwhelmed Hobbyist to Organized Professional

She’d been in business for five years, and Pediatric Sleep Consultant Joanna Clark, founder of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching, was overwhelmed, disorganized, and exhausted.

She spent way too much time on the administrative functions of maintaining her business—we’re talking hours each evening after her daughter went to bed—and because this and coaching took up all of her time, she didn’t have any to spend on marketing and networking.

And while she was making some money each year, she wanted to go further, to earn more.

But because she didn’t have a systematic way to follow up with prospects or nurture clients (her contacts were listed in several different notebooks, and she had to copy, paste, and re-personalize each email she sent), business growth seemed improbable.

She wanted to feel organized and streamlined and portable, and she wanted to appear (and feel) professional.

Then she heard about The Coaches Console and our Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp. She attended an introductory informational call, and realized she was operating like a hobbyist—not like the professional she wanted to operate like.

And that was it: the moment she realized she couldn’t piece together all the elements of her business. She knew that to go further, she needed the right business solution: one that would reduce administrative efforts and leverage her time for more marketing, outreach, and continued education.

She signed up for TCC and Bootcamp immediately.

During Bootcamp, Joanna went “all in” and hired a VA to help her implement what she was learning.

By the end of Bootcamp, she had all her past clients and prospects in a single organized system, complete with contracts, autoresponders, and email templates!

She was up and running!

Not only did she feel more confident, professional, calm, and in control, but she also input more than 500 verifiable contacts, and has since gained more than 200 one-on-one clients.

Plus, in the first year she used The Coaches Console, Joanna earned 110% more than she had in the previous year!

Joanna explained that Bootcamp gave her the perspective she needed to work ON her business, pay attention to her list, and adjust her marketing to attract more prospects, more effectively.

It also gave her the guidance and support she needed to be successful—through interacting with Melinda and Kate, going through the modules, being part of the Facebook community, and joining the monthly coaching calls.

TCC and Bootcamp helped Joanna make the transition from hobbyist to businesswoman.

Joanna said she wishes she’d known about TCC and Bootcamp when she first started her business … she believes she’d be at an entirely new level if she had the power of the TCC software and the information she gained during Bootcamp from the beginning.

She calls TCC and Bootcamp “the best business investment she’s made so far,” and said she’d encourage any startup coach to join TCC today, because no other program compares in its depth and support, and no other software is as powerful or easy to use.

I’ve created an important (and complimentary) resource designed to help you determine which specific actions you can take and systems you can implement, based on your precise situation, to move your business forward with confidence and create your own success. It’s called 12 Proven Strategies for Launching & Scaling a Coaching Business Now and you can download it here, now!

P.S. Joanna Clark, founder of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching, works with parents who are feeling sleep-deprived, cranky and overwhelmed because their babies and children still wake them up multiple times each night. With proven expertise, a gentle, signature process, and full-service support, Joanna helps parents tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to their children (guilt-free gentle sleep coaching). The result: well-rested families who enjoy calm bedtimes, peaceful nights, and optimal sleep. Happy clients experience and rave about increased marital harmony, more confident parenting, and a renewed ability to enjoy daily life as a parent.   Joanna has helped over 600 families, that’s over 2000 people sleeping better. Let her help your family sleep better too!

Putting the 80/20 Rule to Work—Doing Less to Achieve More

Rachel Dungan, The Pharmacist Coach,  was working 80-hour weeks, spending more than 80% of her time doing back-end administration tasks—manually. This mother of three small children was chronically stressed, burning the candle at both ends: she stayed up late to work, and was cranky and slow moving in the mornings.

She knew she needed to generate more business in order for her coaching company to be financially sustainable. But she also felt completely overwhelmed with the day-to-day running of the business, and therefore, she wasn’t confident about seeking new clients.

Rachel’s coaching business, which at one point felt like a valuable way to create income, now felt like a slog! Yet, opportunity after opportunity slipped through the cracks as she did her best to get through each day.

She knew she needed to find a way to get Pareto’s 80/20 rule working in her favor—so she could do the most valuable work to generate the majority of her income and impact. She knew that would empower her to feel organized, in control, and financially secure, while creating business and family life that enabled her to live what she coaches: the excellent management of health and well-being.

And she knew the best way to do that was to implement an integrated, online business solution that helped her find and deliver value to her clients. She spent a year working with IT developers to piece together such a solution, but it just didn’t work seamlessly.

That’s when Rachel discovered The Coaches Console and Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp.

At the time, she had no list, sales pages, online products, automated calendar, client record system, email autoresponders, analytics, or online payment options.

What she did have, she said, was a dizzying array of Dropbox files with lots of one-off intellectual property, adding very little value to anyone she worked with.

Now, she has a list of more than 2000 prospects, two joint venture partners, 117 buyers, and several online programs (both self-study and live). She’s created a 12-month online medical coaching learning community, and she’s repurposed her flagship program for online delivery to complement face-to-face delivery.

Since using TCC to implement what she learned in Bootcamp, Rachel has transitioned from employee, to contract work, to full-time business owner.

She feels a strong sense of achievement, and is confident that her business is viable—that it can be financially solvent while making the positive impact about which she’s so passionate.

And because she utilizes TCC to handle all those once-overwhelming details, Rachel is now able to focus only on the important items, putting Pareto’s rule to work!

Personally, Rachel feels more in control, less overwhelmed, and handling the challenges of entrepreneurship and motherhood with increased energy and enthusiasm.

Rachel said that for coaches who aspire to convert coaching into a sustainable business, the simplest and most effective way is to use a proven system, specifically designed for coaches—such as Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp and TCC.

It’s important to spend time laying the foundation, and it takes effort and dedication to learn the ropes and implement the steps, she said. But it’s worth it to know you’re doing the right things in the right order to get the results you want!

And when you do run into roadblocks, she said, it’s priceless to know support is out there, from TCC co-founders Melinda and Kate to the community of coaches traveling the same path.

To learn more about how to structure your business so you’re able to spend less time on fewer tasks—and get better results in terms of finding more clients, giving them support, and earning more money—download your complimentary copy of The ‘Create Results NOW’ Checklist: Actions to Take, Immediately, to Get the Right Things Done now. In it, you’ll discover which things you should be spending your time on and which you shouldn’t, so you can ensure your efforts pay off.

You’ll also learn what you may be missing as you strive to take your business from one level to the next, and how to separate “must-do” tasks from potential distractions so you can move forward with confidence knowing you’re doing the stuff that will help you grow your business. Go here to get it!

PS! Rachel Dungan, The Pharmacist Coach,

Melinda Cohan