Is it really more confidence you’re needing to put yourself out there in your business??? Maybe it’s this instead…

What comes first—the confidence or the action? When we’re just starting out, so many of us believe we need to build our confidence before we start putting ourselves out there. But I’m telling you now that that is actually not the case. If you believe you need more confidence before you can begin building your business, then I’d like to invite you to change your perspective. I explain in a brand-new video I made for you. You can watch it here, now:

Now that you know a shift in focus and perspective can empower you to serve, starting immediately, you can begin to take action to grow your business! You don’t have to wait for more confidence or better skills—you can just start serving. Next, I’d like to offer you a complimentary resource designed to teach you the step-by-step process to brand and launch your coaching business and generate consistent income. It’s The Ultimate Coaching Business Blueprint: The Behind-the-Scenes Magic That Creates a Smoothly-Running Coaching Business, and its accompanying training video. Download both, for free, here:

Discover What To Do Now—And Later—To Create A Thriving Coaching Biz.

What does 10 days in South Africa, plus 5 days in England topped off with 4 days in Durango Colorado create?

Hey there, good morning! It’s Melinda here.

It’s been a while since I have connected with you. And just like what my post says, you know. I’ve spent 10 days in South Africa at the beginning of this month. Then I went straight to five days in England. I just got back from four days in Durango, Colorado. What does all this bring? Well, a lot of people said I was nuts for doing that much travel in one month. And I got to tell you, there were times when I thought I was nuts for doing that much travel in one month, but what it really brings is extraordinary self-care. One of the things that I want to share with you is that self-care is not a reward for hard work done. It’s a precursor to rejuvenate for what’s to come and actually, it’s both. So many people say: “Well, when I get this project done, or once this promotion has launched, or when I hit this goal, then I’ll do the self-care.” While that’s fun and important, making sure that you have self-care as a precursor to what’s coming is equally as important in our business. We’ve got a lot of things percolating, and a lot of new ideas popping, some reinvention happening, some incredible projects that we’re lifting off, and right, now we’re right in between of a lot of things that have been completed. A lot of things coming up in fruition and when I was in the midst of all this travel, it occurred to me that I’m living the both; that I’ve had a lot of projects I’m rejuvenating from, and, I’m rejuvenating for what’s to come. And I built in a month of self-care. Now, I did it unconsciously, but it’s my normal, so it was just another part of my self-care pattern.

So, remember self-care is not just a reward for hard work done. It’s equally as important to make sure it’s for rejuvenating for what’s to come in the future. Make sure you do both, and the reason I was able to do this travel is because I’ve set up a business and a team that allows me to do that. It actually allows our entire team to practice self-care while we all work on the projects. The workings of our business are automated, and, organized as such, that it’s possible to do it without missing in the coming months.

We’re gonna be sharing a lot of materials and information with you about how you can create a business for yourself, so that you can practice this extraordinary self-care, and, then live the life of your dreams.

So, stay tuned we’ve got a lot of great things coming for you but in the meantime, ask yourself: “Am I waiting to reward myself with self-care? Or can I rejuvenate so I can bring all of me to my business, all of my creativity, all of my inspiration to my business my clients, my impact that I’m making?” Click below, I’d love to hear your self-care and how you rejuvenate for what’s to come!

5 Habits of the Successful Coach… And not just success…

We talk about “success” all the time, right? But what kind of success do you really want? My guess is that you want sustainable success that allows you to create a coaching business beyond your wildest dreams while you live a lifestyle you love. If this is true for you, then I’d love for you to watch this video, where I outline five habits of successful coaches. Cultivate these, and you’ll experience true success! Watch this quick-and-powerful video to discover what these habits are.

Now that you know which five habits to cultivate if you want sustainable, life-changing success as the owner of a thriving coaching business, it’s time to discover the step-by-step process to brand and launch your coaching business and generate consistent income. To do that, download this complimentary resource I created just for you! It’s The Ultimate Coaching Business Blueprint: The Behind-the-Scenes Magic That Creates a Smoothly-Running Coaching Business, and its accompanying training video. Download both, at no cost, here:

Discover What To Do Now—And Later—To Create A Thriving Coaching Biz.

3 Signs You Would Make A Successful Coach… (video)

As you continue to pour energy, time, and money into your coaching business, you may wonder whether you’re on the right track. You may question … do you really have what it takes to make this thing work – to make your impact on the world through your coaching biz? If this sounds familiar, I’d love to offer you a little inspiration: watch the video below to discover three indicators that you’re on the right track—and that you absolutely should keep going!

So. You know you’re a great coach. You know you’re on the right track. As I mentioned above, you should keep going! As you continue this incredible journey to change the world, I’d like to offer you a complimentary resource designed to help you leverage your time, money, energy, and resources to run your business like a well-oiled machine. It’s The Coaching Business Roadmap to Success: The Precise Sequence to Set up and Launch Your Coaching Business—Fast! Go here to grab it:

Discover The Behind-The-Scenes Magic That Makes Your Biz Run Smoothly.

You Get What You Tolerate… 3 Business (and Life) Changes You Need To Make Now! (video)

In this short-and-powerful video, I’m sharing some of the most profound words anyone ever said to me. They came from my father-in-law, and although I’m using them in the context of you building your coaching business, they actually apply to every facet of your life: business, relationships, family, friendships, everything! Watch the video now to hear these words of wisdom—which will at once liberate you and make you realize how YOU are responsible for how your life feels now.

Once you liberate yourself—and take responsibility for creating exactly the life and business you want—then you’ll definitely want to download this complimentary resource designed to help you leverage your time, money, energy, and resources to run your business like a well-oiled machine. It’s The Coaching Business Roadmap to Success: The Precise Sequence to Set up and Launch Your Coaching Business—Fast! Go here to grab it:

>> Discover The Behind-The-Scenes Magic That Makes Your Biz Run Smoothly.


Hello there!

Today I want to share with you some profound words that my father-in-law shared with me when I first met him. Something he said all of his life, and when he did, he kind of shook my world, changed my world, and it’s still true some 12 years later. And I used this in my business, in my life, in my relationships, with my family, with absolutely everything. And the words he said to me: “You get what you tolerate.”

At the same time he shared that with me I was like: “wow, that is liberating, right?” Maybe you’ve heard me talk about this. This is so important, right? You get what you tolerate. Not only is it important, but it’s also freeing and it kind of sucks! Because now you have to take responsibility for what’s in front of you. I want to share three quick things with you today that you must stop tolerating. Not only in your business, but most likely also in your life.

The first one is: doing everything manually. A lot of entrepreneurs have this belief when they’re first getting started; that they’ll just kind of do it on their own, do it manually. They reinvent the wheel every time with every prospect and every client. And the only thing that has you doing it’s working harder, working longer hours and getting way stressed out. You can leverage people, tools and resources to create automation, integration and streamline your business. So be careful what you’re tolerating when you’re doing everything manually and reinventing that wheel.

The second thing that you’re tolerating: limiting beliefs. Now this one’s tricky! You’ve got to get connected to a community, because they’re gonna reflect back to you pretty quickly when you’re buying into limiting beliefs. A lot of times you don’t even realize that you’re doing it, you don’t know that you’re doing it, so having that community reflected back to you, you can call it out quickly, stop tolerating, change those beliefs, set you off on a free path in your business and your life.

And then the final one is – how do I say this? Well, I can’t say this nicely… You’re putting everybody else as a priority in front of you. Especially as women; especially as mom entrepreneurs. It’s also true for the guys. But one of the things that we tolerate is we think we have to take care of everyone and everybody else and everything else. And then we come last, and our business comes last. The more that you give of your business, the more it can take care of your family. The more you prioritize yourself, the more you have to give to your family, your business, your friends, your colleagues. So stop tolerating that you’re on the bottom of the list! Get yourself on the top of the list. Give of the overflow, and everything works better, smoothly and it’s way more fun.

So remember those words –  I’m gonna be sitting on your shoulder – you get what you tolerate.  It’s freeing, kind of sucks, but ultimately, it’s liberating. It’ll be a secret to your success.

3 most overlooked places to find new leads and clients… are you using these?

If you’re looking for new clients, then it only makes sense that you’d be focusing on getting new clients. But what if I told you that’s all wrong? I’ve got news for you: it is! There are far more effective ways to find new clients and grow your coaching business and chances are, you’re overlooking them. I explain, in this new video. Check it out here:

Now you know three of the most overlooked places to find new leads and new clients. So, what next?

I’d like to offer you a complimentary resource designed to help you leverage your time, money, energy, and resources to run your business like a well-oiled machine! It’s The Coaching Business Roadmap to Success: The Precise Sequence to Set up and Launch Your Coaching Business—Fast! Go here to grab it:

Discover The Behind-The-Scenes Magic That Makes Your Biz Run Smoothly.

Hey! I just want to share this morning with you three of the most overlooked places that you might find new leads and new clients.

A lot of times, people even don’t even think about this, they spend most of their time focusing on the next new client. And maybe you’ve heard: it costs more money to find a new client and get a new client, than it does to re-engage an old client. And that’s the first thing I want to share with you. Your former clients are a great source of new clients! Because your former clients may be in the business that you’re in if you’re coaching. Maybe they graduated from your work; they did a six-month coaching package or a three-month package, or maybe they’re with you here and they graduate it and it’s been a year or two since you’ve worked with them. Reaching back out to them, setting up a three-part/three email campaign to re-engage them, reconnect with them, remind them of the power of what happens when they’re supported.

And coaching can often remind them and prompt them of where else they might need support in their life. So re-engaging former clients – and that’s true, whether it’s in your current business, or the former clients from the previous job that you used to have, maybe the corporate job that you have, or a different business that you used to work in – engaging those former clients is a great place to get started.

The second thing I want I want to share with you is former colleagues in previous jobs. A lot of times, when we leave those jobs, or leave that world – hopefully you didn’t burn any bridges – but a lot of times we’re like “alright, that’s done, next chapter, only focus forward.” And a lot of times, your former clients, your former bosses, managers, colleagues, co-workers – they are a great source of clients and leads. They may not be your ideal client, but when you can update them on the new stuff that you’re doing in your world, they might be a great referral source, if not a great client. So make sure you’re not overlooking former clients. It’s a great way to reengage with them! Again, set up a three-part email campaign to let them know what you’re doing, share a lead magnet, to invite them to your mailing list, and share a story about how the power of coaching creates powerful transformation.

And then, the third most overlooked place, is to get interviewed. It sounds so simple, and a lot of people don’t think about this. Getting yourself out there in established circles, people are looking for great content, great people to bring great content to their audiences. And so, consider finding places to get interviewed about what you’re passionate about. Get interviewed, whether it’s being interviewed on a Facebook group, being interviewed on a blog, being interviewed on a podcast. And then you’ll have that link that you can then share with the people you come in contact with, or give to people that might become referral partners of yours.

So just real quick I wanted to share those three things with you, making sure that you’re not overlooking them, and you’re not working harder than you have to. So go out there, and go through your current contacts. Pick up your phone and find out who on your list of contacts might be former clients, former colleagues, might be a great source for getting interviewed.

Work smarter, not harder! Then we can have a lot more fun.