The biggest mistake I made this year… learn from my mistakes…
In fact…
Come learn from a lot of my “mistakes” and take the proactive path to creating success in your business… (much faster than I did)
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“As a leader, your success largely depends on how you show up every day. It’s the core energy you bring to everything you do. Are you the kind of leader who people want to follow or have to follow? How well do you follow yourself (your own goals and intentions)? As a leader, you can create the kind of energy that leads to positive results by starting with yourself. What you bring to work – or anywhere, for that matter – is what you cultivate in others. You can create a work environment where engagement, accountability, and well-being are high. Success and satisfaction – who doesn’t want that?”
2. Gillian Hood works with people to help them Break Free From Diet Prison, Binging & Emotional Eating.
“I can help you Break Out of Diet Prison for good:
Never diet again, and reverse the damage it has done to your mind and body.
Eat your favorite foods again, without overeating, weight gain or guilt!
Stop beating up yourself & your body & let them work together in harmony, bringing mind, body & spirit together as a healthy, vibrant, YOU!
Reclaim both energy & time by ending obsessive thoughts and behavior.
Feel your emotions instead of eating them so they can be expressed & dealt with in a healthy way – instead of carrying them around mentally & on your body.
I have been there…binge eating, chronic dieting, over-exercise, emotional eating, hating myself and my body, never being good enough, abusing my body by overeating, searching for a solution in the next diet, not living my life until I lost the weight, believing my own negative self-talk, and on and on for well over 20 years, however…
…I have overcome it all, found Peace with Food and my Body, discovered Freedom from obsession, and I want to help You do the same!”
3. Jen Horvath works with people to help them reduce guilt, stress and overwhelm to live a calmer, happier and fulfilling life.
“Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by your many responsibilities? Trying desperately to find a blend between work, kids, partner, family, friends and have some ‘me time’? Are you dealing with chaotic mornings, a stressful job, and then rushing home to make dinner and shuttle kids to activities – having to remind yourself to breathe? Finding yourself yelling and being angry when you don’t want to be? Feeling guilty because it’s not working for you? Wondering, is this all there is to life?
Is this hitting home? It’s common, but it doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t need to “just survive.” You can thrive!”
4. Kitty Boitnott works with teachers, giving them a career makeover.
“Are you feeling the painful symptoms of teacher burnout? Are you unhappy with your teaching career but don’t know where to turn? You always wanted to be a teacher, so now what? What else could you do if you don’t teach?
I know how you feel.
Here is a fact for you to consider seriously: You don’t need to stay stuck in a job that no longer serves you or makes you happy. In fact, if you aren’t having fun anymore, your kids aren’t having any fun either.
I operate on the premise that work should be fulfilling and FUN!
What if your dream job were just ahead, and all you need to do is go for it?
Since starting my business, I have helped 200+ of teachers and mid-career professionals make significant changes in their career paths. My goal for them is that they find their dream job, whatever that may be.
That is my goal for you as well.”
5. Angelique Beauregard helps people ‘Live Fit & Free After 50 in a Body you Love’.
“Are you overweight, overtired and overstressed? Think you’re too old to lose the weight? Feel like a failure because you’ve wasted so much time, energy, and money on diet plans that didn’t work? Disappointed when you look in the mirror? Hate to have your picture taken? Fed up?
I get it!
That was me not so long ago.
Imagine what your life would look like if you lost all that extra weight (especially the dreaded muffin top) and got into a right-sized body. Ditch the joint pain. Have tons of ENERGY! Cross your legs. Love what you see in the mirror. Have your picture taken. Wear cute clothes. Look forward to bathing suit shopping. Move around freely. Travel the world.
This is one of the most often asked questions we get from folks in our community. They want to know how to make a BIG impact AND how to make good money doing what they love! Because I believe in the Both/And Principle, that’s why I love the work that my good friend Bill Baren is doing in this world! Helping thought leaders, practitioners and experts like me and you structure their Premium Packages! In fact, when Bill mentored me around this in our business several years ago, it made a significant shift in our business. We went from charging $4500 for a coaching package to offering Premium Packages at $25,000 (and getting it!). My only regret???? Why didn’t I do it sooner! So NOW is the time let to Bill walk you through every little detail!
Here’s to your outrageous and unapologetic success!
As you plan and launch your coaching business, you’re bound to have questions.
I know an AWESOME place where you can go to get answers: The Coaching Lifestyle Facebook Group.
I want to share with you an example of the depth of support you can receive—at no cost—when you join our community.
I’m going to paraphrase a conversation that occurred in the group when someone recently asked for advice on how to charge for a six-week course.
Here we go:
The first step in deciding on pricing for any program is to get absolutely clear on the results someone will experience if they go through the course and play full-out.
What are the promises of this course?
Patricia’s course, Starting Over After Divorce, is designed to provide the following transformation:
During Starting Over After Divorce, Patricia guides participants in getting their lives back on track after a divorce. Her program walks them through the grieving process, challenging their fears, effective communication, problem solving, working out a business relationship with their ex, and co-parenting effectively.
The next step in determining pricing is to identify what the course must entail, or how it must be structured, in order to support someone getting the promised results.
Starting Over After Divorce, includes:
Six weekly, two-hour coaching sessions.
Two monthly support group sessions, two-hours each, after the initial six-course.
Invitations to a monthly live event.
Pricing a program, course, etc., is a three-part process. It’s one part, “What do I want to make?” and one part, “Reverse engineer,” and one part, “Psychology.”
First, start by asking yourself how much you’d like to charge for the program, keeping in mind the transformation you’re promising (I’ve seen successful six-week courses at all price points: $197, $497, $997, and $1997).
When you consider each price point, which one lights you up? Which one makes you squeal? Which one makes you a bit nervous?
Notice how you respond to each of the price points you explore.
Next—and this is the most important consideration—look at the results your clients will walk away with. People invest in results (not coaching or masterminds or consultations or group programs).
When you can convey the value of the results, people are more likely to invest.
It’s important to ensure that the value of the results is in alignment with the investment level of the program. In Patricia’s program, for example, she promises participants will “get their lives back on track after divorce.”
How much is that worth to someone?
A lot, right?! $1,000, $5,000 … some people might even say it’s priceless.
So if people perceive that the promise carries a huge value, and the product is priced at $97, then there is a disconnect. This is especially true when the participant is getting direct access to you—the more access, the higher the value.
Keep this in mind as you structure your program to actually deliver the results—and the value—people are anticipating when they pay the investment level you’re asking for.
Next, add in some psychology.
The more access a participant has to you, the more they’re willing to invest. Consider whether your clients will get access to you between those weekly and twice monthly sessions. This factors into the price point.
Two important notes about the psychology of selling:
First, pricing an item just below an even number—for example, pricing at $49 instead of $50 or $99 instead of $100—dramatically improves conversion rates because buyers perceive a greater value.
Second, studies show that there are specific breakpoints when it comes to pricing.
These include:
In other words, someone is as likely to pay $900 for a program as she is to pay $700. However, that same person may not be willing to break through that $997 price point.
You may be feeling like $997 is too high, and you may feel more comfortable charging $750. The psychology of selling factors in, here, and tells us that a buyer willing to pay $750 is just as willing to pay $997.
Set your price at $997 and add $247 to your bottom line for each sale.
From what Patricia told me, I’d consider pricing Starting Over After Divorce at $497 or $997 with installment options.
Now, consider which of those price points creates the sensation of vomiting.
Pick that one!
I’m serious.
As entrepreneurs, we always undervalue ourselves, our impact, and our services.
But when you can stretch into that price point—the one that makes you want to vomit—your prospects will sense the value of what you’re bringing to the table.
Just as importantly, you’re able to rise to the occasion and bring the absolute best version of YOU and your services to the table. This, of course, only helps your clients get bigger, better results—faster.
Weigh everything I’ve just talked about and select the price point you feel called to select.
And keep this in mind: everything we do in our business is research.
You’ll choose a price, put it out there, see how folks respond, and see how you feel … and you’ll make tweaks and adjustments as necessary for the next round. Give yourself permission and time to research!
Finally, ask yourself what you need to set up behind the scenes to create great engagement and a strong onboarding experience, and to offer exquisite client support to help your clients get the best results in the shortest amount of time possible. Make sure your back end is organized to support you in delivering what you promise.
And … that’s it—a real-life example of the kind of support you can expect to receive when you join The Coaching Lifestyle Facebook Group.
Join me for this NEW Training: The WOMAN’S Path For Attracting New Clients With Ease with Melinda Cohan and Sage Lavine: NEW Hayhouse Author … Here’s the link to the Wealth Leadership QUIZ & more details about Sage’s book: