I see it time and time again people enrol into a program. They have great learning but their struggle is still there. They roll into a program they have great learning but the struggle is still there. Like over and over again, you have all of this learning; but the struggle still exists. Like why is that?

So, I’ve been really dissecting this and it brought me to two conclusions. The first conclusion that I want to share with you is there are two big obstacles to success that I see common among entrepreneurs. It’s like this double-edged sword. Right, as an entrepreneur, we have the freedom and flexibility of being our own boss, and working out of our own home. Being able to work on our own time, schedule, and, all that but the other side of that coin is isolation. Isolation is one of the biggest obstacles to success.

For an entrepreneur, the second thing is learning. Without doing just great learning, does not create transformation. It creates great learning but not transformation. And so the struggle still exists. And you just keep looking at it from all different kind of vantage points. Right? And what we really want is transformation not learning. Transformation is active – it’s not passive. You are involved in that and when I really looked at the people that experienced transformation, I look at a lot of our clients and a lot of the people in our community. And I just finished up we just had a two-day workshop with our accelerators in our accelerator program.

When I look at what creates the transformation, there’s these four pillars of transformation that are common with everybody. There is the knowledge and great learning that is certainly an ingredient. Plus there is an added layer of support around the learning. So it’s not just great learning but it turns it into new habits, and, new patterns in their life new perspectives. And then there’s the component of community, the third pillar is there must be community as entrepreneurs. Especially as those of us that are women, we thrive in community. It’s where our creativity flourishes. It’s where we are at our best.

So when you have knowledge plus support wrapped in community, and then the platform to implement what you’re learning. Learning without doing is the death of your transformation. You must have learning. And you must have doing. They have to exist so you need to have all four of those to really experience transformation. So, make sure the next time you’re investing into something, whether it’s a program, an event, whether you’re investing just your time, your money, your energy, make sure that you have all four of those things president. What you’re investing in knowledge, support community, and, platform, those things will help you be active in your transformation. That’s where the real work is done. That’s where the real reward is done. And I want you to create the business beyond your wildest dreams, so you can live the lifestyle beyond your wildest dream. And transformation is where that happens.

So comment below! What is one of those four elements that you want to see more of in your business journey on your way to transformation on your way to success of creating that thriving business which one of those four maybe all four may be a combination. Comment below which one of those four knowledge support community or the platform which one would you like to see more of in your business. I can’t wait to see where you are on your journey.