When Nan Reed Twiss launched her Coach for Higher coaching practice, she did it right the first time: she began using The Coaches Console from the start.

Nan believes doing so saved her from dealing with the challenges of automation and organization—and spared her from discovering the hard way what she didn’t know in terms of running the back end of her business.

Of course, all business owners face challenges, and although Nan skipped the technology-related ones, she did struggle with defining her niche. She wanted to be really clear about who she wanted to serve, so she could develop an effective marketing strategy.

This was several years into her coaching practice, and by then, the inner circle that had led to most of her clients wasn’t enough to fuel the larger business she wanted to build. She was afraid her client base might dribble away. And although business was steady, she knew that with the addition of online and group programs, it could be even better in terms of enabling her to be affordable for more clients, serve more people, and make more money—all while enjoying time freedom.

With that in mind, Nan enrolled in our Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp.

During our time together, Nan changed and refined her niche, and rewrote her website to reflect her new direction. As a result of this refined niche and marketing, she built her community—through networking, workshops, and increased business opportunities.

In addition to building her community, she built her client base! While she signed some clients right away, others came to her several years later—but she said all those new clients were directly traceable to what she did in Bootcamp.

As Nan began to experience the results she desired, she also experienced an expanded sense of optimism and possibility, she said, like, “Maybe I really can do this.”

She realized that as she grew her client base and added income streams to her business model, she was earning enough money that maybe she wouldn’t have to rent out her summer happy place on the lake, which meant she could spend more family time there.

The proof that Bootcamp worked for Nan is in the numbers: she nearly quadrupled her pre-Bootcamp annual income as a result of the changes she made.

In fact, she said that although she hadn’t compromised her family time at all, the increase in her income has allowed her to reserve an entire month for her family to spend at their lake house two years in a row.

Although Nan had our integrated software solution in place from the beginning, what she experienced in Bootcamp encouraged her to step up her game—to think bigger than she had been.

She said, “Bootcamp set higher goals for me than I had been setting for myself—and it worked.”


If you’d like to read more real-life success stories inspired by the Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp and The Coaches Console, download your complimentary copy of 12 Proven Strategies for Launching & Scaling a Coaching Business Now, here.

PS: Nan’s goal is to help her clients deepen their learning and produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses, and organizations. She brings more than twenty years of experience as a coach, consultant, facilitator, and educator. Her clients include senior partners at top management consulting firms, middle managers at Fortune 500 companies, small business owners, and gang kids in Oakland, California. Whatever the engagement, her clients become better at motivating, inspiring, and bringing out greatness in others – as well as in themselves – to make a positive difference in their world professionally and personally.
