Easy Breezy Bootcamp CASE STUDY: Structure Breeds Freedom, Creativity & Speciality!

Feeling hesitant…

Slema was anything but confident to leap full-on into her coaching business because she wasn’t quite sure of which steps to take, in which order, to sign clients and then give them the support they needed. This was the point at which Selma sought the structure lacking in her business. This is when Selma turned things around in her business and she began to experience her unique personal touch that she could give her clients… focusing on her zone of genius!

Watch and be ready to be inspired in my interview with one of our Rockstar Bootcamp Graduates as you experience Selma’s story as she steadily dials in her business and work with clients in ways she never imagined.

I loved learning about a unique hobby that Selma has been doing for 40 years (hint: she’s from the Netherlands) and the unique lifestyle Selma has created… even in “retirement.”

When she found a new perspective and the structure her business was lacking, now Selma feels “very confident” about her product because she knows she has a “real-Selma” way to coach people.

The same is true in your business…

Find the structure, experience the confidence.

Selma’s story is inspiring.

If you’ve ever felt unclear on who you serve, how to find clients or are taking action but not getting results…

Check out Selma’s story below…

Then leave a comment and let me know your favorite frame, or a nugget that you found inspiring for your own business…

Here’s to your success,

P.S. Enrollments for our Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp ends tomorrow, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5TH at MIDNIGHT!

It’s time to get your business organized in one integrated system and better serve your clients, increase your time productivity and generate more income easily!

Are you ready to experience ease and time-freedom and really make the impact you’re here to make? I thought so


But click before MIDNIGHT, FRIDAY OCTOBER 5 when we shut the door for enrollments!