What is the #1 motivator for most people who strive for and even achieve success?

It may surprise you…

I’ve met and coached a lot of people over the years in my journey to success and abundance and I’ve come learn that there is true success, and then there is something that I call ‘apparent’ success. And the one thing that differentiates the truly successful from the ‘apparently’ successful, is their underlying motivation.

There are lots of people who are striving and working hard to support their families, to advance in their careers, to climb the corporate ladder, or to run their own businesses who are NOT doing it because they really LIKE what they do, but because they place a high value on SECURITY. Because they want to provide for their themselves, their families, their future, and they are afraid of what might go wrong if they don’t work really hard.

Often they sacrifice their time, their health, and even relationships with the very family they are seeking to provide for, in order to create a freedom that will arrive ‘someday’. That ‘someday’ is always in the future, dangling in front of them like a carrot that is always out of reach… it’s not here and it’s not now. In the here and now, they have trouble enjoying their lives, because they are always hustling, always chasing, always stressed out, and living for that ‘someday’ when they can slow down and really enjoy their lives.

When you dig into this, what they are motivated by is FEAR.

Fear can be very motivating! And in a lot of ways that can have its usefulness. You can get a LOT done in the fear mode. You can qualifications in fear mode. You can get a job in fear mode. You can get a mortgage in fear mode. You can even get ‘apparent’ success in fear mode.

And it’s not surprising that so many of us are living in this state of fear. We may not even realize we are in it…

Every single day we are bombarded with messages designed to stoke our fears about security, scarcity, wars and conflict that increase our sense that there is ‘not enough’…we are bombarded with messages that we need to be better, smarter, more educated, fitter, thinner, whatever, in order to be OK (because somehow we are also ‘not enough’)… and then we are encouraged to appease and cover over our resulting anxiety and insecurities with material ‘stuff’… by buying something, eating something, drinking something, or distracting ourselves with TV, video games, social media etc.

It’s a vicious cycle of fear, followed by destructive and unhealthy numbing of that fear, followed by anxiety, health problems, and even depression.

The thing is, there’s a REALLY high price to having the ‘fear’ switch in our brains stuck in the ‘on’ position all the time. It keeps our adrenal glands pumping non-stop and leads to all kinds of stress-related conditions like muscle tension, headaches, and even excessive weight gain especially around the abdomen.

It can also lead to poor ‘knee-jerk reaction’ type decision making, leading to situations where even though we are crazy busy, we’re just spinning our wheels and not making much progress towards our dreams.

So fear is really one of those things that’s most useful in ‘fight or flight’ type crisis situations – when it can really save our butts – but not so great as a constant motivator in our lives.

It can be tough to break out of the fear mode once we’re in it, though, because it can be self-perpetuating.

If you’re feeling stuck in such a vicious cycle, trust me you’re not alone.

When we are stuck in this fear and consumption mode 24/7, it makes it hard for us to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. It really can hamper our ability to feel simple joy, happiness and peace in our lives.

It begs the question: Is there a better way?

What is real success and abundance, free from fear? What does it look like in practice? How do we choose it? And how can we all collectively change our mindset and choose a better way for the future of our planet?

Well, three years ago some friends of mine decided to start a journey to answer these questions. They wanted to challenge fear-based thinking and to foster a belief that true joy, abundance and happiness is available to everyone. They interviewed 17 different thought leaders from around the world and asked them how people can make the shift from fear to joy, from scarcity to abundance… and they made a film about what they found out, called The Abundance Code.

Click here to watch the full 90 minute film for FREE

This film is so inspiring, that I want to share it with you…

There are so many amazing people in the film!

  • NY Times Best-selling Authors like John Assaraf, Jeff Walker, Roger Hamilton and Bill O’Hanlon.
  • Mindset and Psychology Experts like Dr John Demartini, Dr Sherry Buffington, Dr Ruth Buczynski, Tim & Kris Hallbom, and Julie Ann Cairns.
  • Motivation and Happiness Experts like Dr Robert Holden, JB Glossinger PhD, and Satyen Raja.
  • Visionaries and Entrepreneurs like Sonia Simone, Victoria Labalme and Jon Gabriel.

If you’re like me, and you’re always looking for ways to enhance and create a life of fulfillment, joy and abundance… then you simply HAVE to check this out.

The Abundance Code film is launching 21st June, 2016. And for a limited window of 10 days you can watch it for FREE. The 3 minute trailer for this film has just been released and you can watch it NOW, and see for yourself why I’m so excited to be part of it.

Click here to watch The Abundance Code 3 minute trailer

This amazing and eye-opening film is launching to the world on June 21st with a 10 Day FREE Worldwide Online Premiere Screening. You will want to see it!

Click here to Sign up for the FREE Online Premiere

P.S. Go ahead and forward this email to anyone who you believe will benefit from it too…