Hey there! I just wanted to pop in real quick. I’m actually at “The Thought Leader Business Summit”. It’s one of the masterminds that I attend. You guys know me – you never leave home with a mastermind – and this is one that I’ve been coming to, I think, for about the past seven years.

Every April, about 50 of us thought leaders in the industry come together to look at the industry, to look at our businesses, to brainstorm for hotseat coaching, to challenge each other, to celebrate, just all of that stuff. And it just started today. So I wanted to give you the top four takeaways from the 50 successful entrepreneurs that have been in this room. And the entrepreneurs in this room, they range anywhere from… you have to have at least a million dollar business to be in the room. Some of them go up to multi millions. One guy that we heard from today started with
his company when it was $1,000,000 and has grown it to a hundred million dollars. And I want to share a tip from him.

The first thing that we started with today is “what are you playing this game for?” We continuously ask ourselves that on a regular basis. And we’re always asking ourselves “how can I, while I’m doing the work that I love, and getting paid generously to do so, how can I increase the quality of my life?” Always check in with your “why”. It’s your beacon. The “why” for creating the impact, the “why”… maybe your “why” is time freedom, maybe it’s money freedom, maybe it’s to create a legacy, maybe it’s just to play a bigger game – whatever your “why” is for doing what you’re doing, make sure you know how to articulate it and always ask yourself “why am I playing this game, and how can I increase my quality of life while I do it?”

So that’s how we kicked the day off to get us in the mindset, and then we heard from a global leader, Sean Stephenson, a dear friend of mine. And he shared and he spoke on the “human connection formula”. And he talked to us about really paying attention whether you’re speaking at events to your clients, whether you work with your clients one on one, whether you do it on the phone, or inperson, or webinars, or online, or however you connect with your clients and contacts, and make sure that you are paying attention to creating the human connection. Our world has been saturated by technology and getting impersonal and detached. And now this trend is moving, how can you create that human connection?

And I just want to share three notes that I took from what he shared. How can you unify the people that you like, your community, your tribe? How can you unify them? How can you give them permission to go, for it for however you’re serving and supporting them? And then, how can you also create rapport and build that know-like trust factor? As you do that, you’re able to create – in
creating that know-like and trust factor – you’re able to serve and support them in bigger ways, to help them get the results that they’re looking for.

And then we heard from Reed Tracy, another dear friend. He and I are actually in another Master Mind together. He’s the CEO of “Hay House”, the biggest publishing company in our industry. And he shared with us his journey from taking the company from 1 million dollars to a hundred million dollars. And there was so much in his presentation, but one of the Nuggets that he said was so important that you have to pay attention to, as you’re building your business, growing your business and scaling your business – and I don’t care if you want to take your business to 100 million, maybe you want to go to 10 million, maybe you want to go to 1 million, maybe you’d like to go to a hundred thousand, heck maybe you’d like to hit 50 thousand – whatever that is for you, the thing that he shared that really stood out was: create a container for your time and be very mindful of it. Be very conscious of how you spend your time, what you include in your time, be very diligent in that and you’ll map your success much faster than if you just kind of leave it up to chance.

And then the last thing: I got to be in a panel. I was so excited I got to be on a panel with myself and two other colleagues of mine and good friends, Lisa Charney, and Marisa Murgatroyd. And the three of us talked about creating great client experiences. And there’s three things that you have to pay attention to.

What we called the “stick rate”: like as soon as somebody says “yes” to working with you. That moment that they say “yes” is when everything just begins for you. And in that moment that you want them to stick as a client. So what can you pay attention to as soon as they say “yes”, what can you do in the first hour after them saying “yes” to really get them engaged in creating momentum, and having a lot of fun, and validating their decision, that they just invested in themselves? Once you have them stick as a client, then you want to pay attention, and put all of your attention and resources on making sure they get the results that they want, and working with you. And you have to pay attention to whether you work with somebody just one time, and that’s it whether you have a … maybe it’s just you spend the day with them, maybe you have a coaching program and you work together for six weeks or six months, or maybe it’s a year-long program that you offer, whatever it is – how can you pay attention to the entire client journey to ensure and provide structure and fun, to make sure they’re getting quick wins, consistent wins throughout the whole experience?

And then the final thing is retention: how do you retain your clients, because it costs a lot more money to get new clients than it does to keep the old ones. And so, what can you do to create
retention and keep people engaged? And one of the things that we do in our business is: we create anticipation. We like to, whenever we’re offering something to our clients, rather than just giving them the template, or the module, or the lesson, or the training, we like to, in advance, create a little anticipation, tease them a little bit to build up the excitement for what we’re about to deliver. And creating that anticipation, they’re always looking forward to the “what’s next”. And in the “what’s next” – that’s when they stay longer to look forward to what’s coming. So how can you pay attention to the stick, how can you pay attention to creating results with your clients, and how can you pay attention to retaining them and engaging them over the long haul?

So that’s just a little bit from our day today. We’re actually have a quick break, and then we’re heading out to a surprise. I have no idea what it is, but we were just told to dress up like you’re going to the Oscars,. And we’re gonna have dinner together, and that’s one of the things that I love about these masterminds. Is that while there’s a lot of learning that happens in the room, it’s all of the connections that happen at lunch, in the lounge, at dinner, in between, going to the airport – that’s where a lot of amazing ideas begin to happen. And so make sure that whenever you’re going to masterminds, whenever you’re going to networking events, whether they’re local in your community or big events once a year, make sure that not only are you at the event itself, but the in-between times where a lot of the magic happens.

I got to go get ready. I’m gonna find out what this surprises. I’ll fill you in tomorrow with some more tips and what happened tonight.