Today I want to tell you about what I believe is the most important thing for your business right now (more than ever before!)

Ready to know what this one thing is?

Drumroll, please…


Community is paramount. But for you and your business, it’s not only about community, I’m talking specifically about sisterhood.

So, why is sisterhood so important? Especially right now?

Because isolation is the enemy of success for a woman… or anyone actually.

While men have the Hero’s journey for success, many women have been emulating this masculine approach to success: find a dragon to slay, go out on our own, isolated and slay the dragon, come back the hero).

Here’s the thing: this approach does not work for the feminine! The feminine is about collaboration, inspiring others, witnessing others on their journey and being witnessed on your own journey.

Connectedness, collaboration, co-creation is the heart and soul of community and specifically sisterhood… this is where ultimate success lies for the female entrepreneur (not in isolation).

It’s in community that 1+1=11! Where we can leverage each other’s strengths, experiences, weaknesses, mistakes, vulnerabilities and all learn together, collectively, thus making the journey easier (because we’re not alone), more fun (because we can share in celebrations together in real time), less daunting (because we can borrow the courage of our colleagues and confidantes when we lose sight of our own), and more sustainable (because there is built in accountability).

Sisterhood is when like-minded, like-spirited, like-committed women come together to take themselves higher and one another higher. When we can look into the eyes of another woman and see her as “sister” there is a connection that is made that unites us and creates an unbreakable bond that brings about a confidence that has been missing in women.

This concept is SO important to me that I’ve made it a critical element of my own business. I created Lifestyle LIVE!, the live experience in February, as a place for sisterhood to blossom. I know the power and magic that happens when we join together, in-person, and make true, lasting connections. It makes all the difference in our lives and in our business.

If you need more sisterhood in your life, I encourage you to join us in February. You can still get a ticket and join us in Atlanta for Valentine’s Day! Get your ticket now!

I’ll be sharing more on the importance of sisterhood in a few days…I have SO much to share with you on this topic because I believe it’s absolutely critical to your business and personal growth!

Here’s to your success,

Read more articles in the “Sisterhood” series:

> “I want to get personal with you…”
> “The spiritual effects of sisterhood”