You know that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you get that letter that starts with “We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you….” Maybe you don’t. But I sure do! It happened when I applied to college! I wanted to double major in Interior Design and Music so this particular school was perfect for me!

I was PISSED when I got that letter and rejected me! I was an ideal candidate! Everything about my application was spot on… except for my SAT scores (another embarrassing story for a different post). Other than that, there was no reason they shouldn’t have accepted me. Other friends got accepted that had worse scores than me and a lot less on their college resume! I couldn’t believe it!

Anytime I saw someone wearing a sweatshirt from that college or their car had a bumper sticker from that college I always thought to myself “What do they have that I don’t? They don’t want it as bad as me! It’s not FAIR!!!”

Oh, I was pissed!

That rejection didn’t stop me! It became my rocket fuel for my desire! My desire WAS going to become a reality!!!

I found out the exact pieces I needed to have in place so I could transfer in… and for the next two years, at a local private college, I became persistent and excelled in implementing those precise steps, it caused me to do even better, honing my skills and talents. I rose to the occasion, took persistent and took consistent action.

My dream may have been delayed by 2 years, but I made it… with flying colors! I transferred to the college of my dreams and the final 3 years of school were the best years ever! And I became an even better version of myself in the process.

Even if it feels like your dream is not unfolding like you thought or your dream seems to be shut down, DON’T GIVE UP!!

Keep taking guided, consistent action. Find out what it takes to make your dream a reality and then commit to doing it! Sometimes a “NO” is just an invitation from the Universe for you to say a bigger, louder YES!

That’s why I’ve put together The Coaching Business Roadmap To Success. A complimentary resource with the exact pieces and the precise sequence to set up your entire coaching business – from start to finish! Now you can simply take each step and turn your dream into a reality!

Click on the link below and grab your roadmap today!

All I ask, is that you pay it forward… Share it forward…. Think of someone in your life who you know needs this resource, someone whose life or business needs these tools. Click the button below and share it with them. You’ll be amazed what manifests in your life and business when you share and build each other up!