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As you well know, this past November, our latest Easy Breezy Coaching Business Bootcamp ended.

We’re proud to present you Sharon Svenson, one of our Top 10 students in this past session—the “cum laude” of the bunch who launched her businesses with our support and who is now thriving!

Sharon offers Deliberate Creation Coaching to Revitalize, Heal, and Energize Your Body, Mind, and Soul.

A life changing game to create miracles in your life.

Are you frustrated with others?

Find yourself disappointed or angry with the life you are living?

Do you feel overwhelmed, pressured or stressed?

Go Shopping in the Universal Store of Unlimited Beliefs.

  • Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Inventory is always expanding.
  • Our motto: tell us what you want and it’s yours.
  • No belief is too wild or outlandish.
  • We love filling orders that are unusual, creative and big.

How does it work? Take whatever beliefs feel good to you. Later if you’re unhappy with a belief, bring it back and get something else. We encourage returns and creative requests. We welcome those with high expectations, love those who want to experiment,and enjoy repeat customers who have a thirst for expansion.

I love exploring different techniques, games and exercises that might open the door for clients in more effective and powerful ways, to help accelerate the transformations and life changes they desire.

‘Choose your beliefs by how they make you feel.’ is one of my favorite games. I find that by playing the game, clients start to connect how their negative beliefs hold them back from what they desire; and begin to get how life changing a positive belief can be.The more they play it, the more they prove to themselves they really can let go of the beliefs that aren’t working and pick new ones that do.Stubbornness and ego are left behind and beliefs that seemed immutable transform to possibilities.

Maybe the above scenario of a Universal Store of Unlimited Beliefs sounds wild and far fetched; but with an open-mind and lots of practice you really can choose beliefs that create miracles in your life.I invite you to explore the life changing possibility of being able to choose beliefs, just like you would your grocery items at a grocery store, picking out items based on your preferences, goals and desires

Choose your beliefs by how they make you feel. A life changing game to create miracles in your life.

We start with the premise that we all want the same things: to enjoy life, to have life go well for us, to feel comfortable in our bodies and peaceful in our minds.

Then, let the game begin.

First identify a belief that isn’t working.

How can you tell a belief isn’t serving you? You aren’t getting positive results from it, and by the negative emotion it elicits.

Example of a belief that isn’t serving you: ‘As we grow older our health fails.’

Emotions resulting from this belief would be feelings of hopelessness and fear, emotions that don’t inspire positive actions.If we feel hopeless or fearful why bother trying?

Don’t fool yourself by thinking that just because the belief feels true or familiar that it’s unchangeable.

When you take the time to reflect on evidence from your life proving these beliefs are not serving you, letting go of them feels logical and safe.

Your mind is made to learn. A natural part of learning is letting go of beliefs and patterns of thought that don’t work and incorporating new beliefs and thought patterns that do.

Pick a different belief that if you believed it, would feel good.

An example might be ‘my body has the ability to heal.’

At first most clients answer but I don’t believe it. “That’s OK.” I say, “The question isn’t do you believe this?but,if you did believe it how would it make you feel?”

They might say, “If I believed ‘my body had the ability to heal’, it would give me comfort and hope. I guess from a place of hope I’d feel encouraged to seek answers or take positive actions.I guess this belief could serve me better.

Then I ask the client to go ahead and imagine they did believe the belief, and imagine the feelings of comfort and hope.

The mind can’t tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real.So if you imagine feeling peaceful you fool yourself into believing you are peaceful, and guess what you become peaceful.

Real life examples:

By changing my belief I was able to be present and joyful. A common belief ‘we can’t change beliefs, that’s just the way it is.’

Recently my daughter gave birth to a healthy baby. There were medical complications and she was induced. One of my thoughts before her labor: I’m scared for my grandchild and daughter. As soon as the thought cropped up I’d ask how does that thought make you feel? Answer, scared. What would you like to believe? I’d like to believe that everything turns out alright.

I made a guided meditation for myself. I imagined angelic beings surrounding the child and my daughter, and I imagined the birthing room filled with joyful, peaceful, and healthy energy. I imagined my daughter at home enjoying her new child and a sense of well-being for the whole family. It brought me soothing, relief, peace, and positive expectations and allowed me to enjoy the now moments along the way and be present with my other granddaughter as we awaited the birth of her sister.

This relaxed meditative state allowed a quick release of my fears and was an open receptive state for soaking up the positive affirmations. I listened to it again and again to reinforce the new patterns of thought I desired.Listening to soothing music, doing a relaxing activity or breath work while stating the desired beliefs can be effective too.

Choose a belief that works for you. Believing in angelic beings might be too far-fetched for you, but hey, it worked for me.Maybe you believe in science and you read a statistic that 90 percent of the women who have this condition go on to deliver healthy babies.It doesn’t matter if angelic beings are real or if the statistic is true. What matters is does this belief make you feel better right now.

By changing her beliefs her health dramatically improved. A common belief ‘we need to choose beliefs by what is true or based on past or present reality.’

I had a client who believed as we age, our health deteriorates.This belief made her feel scared and frightened of the future; but she had ample evidence of this from serious health issues she was experiencing and the majority of her peers were in agreement and had confirmed her belief with their ever increasing issues.

I asked “Are you open to the belief that ‘as you grow older, your body becomes more comfortable and healthy?’ ” “But that’s not true,” she replied. “What if you did believe it? How would that feel?” I asked. “Well …good,” she hesitantly replied, “…but ‘everyone knows you fall apart as you age.’ ”

Even if 9 out of 10 doctors recommend a belief, or the majority of the population holds it as true, being willing to choose beliefs that make you feel good are what will serve your life.

In our sessions we explored what beliefs were serving her life, and what beliefs weren’t. As she selectively let go of thought patterns that made her feel fearful, and chose beliefs that made her feel good, miracles happened.

During our time together she released fibromyalgia, allergies, neck pain; a skin and nerve condition started to heal; and her heart healed to a point where it was functioning close to normal capacity.

New beliefs led to peace, solutions and answers. A common fear is ‘what if I end up being disappointed because the belief doesn’t come true?’

I had a client who felt desperate and panicky because her spouse was in crisis and needed immediate help. She was consumed by fear,dread and panic, leading to emotional paralysis. A relative offered to pay for 3 months of rehabilitation and pay rent and other expenses to see her family through. My client felt incredible relief and peace.The relative didn’t come through but the peace and relief she experienced served her well and had given her a week of relief. In a workshop she allowed the relief and peace to stay by choosing the belief, ‘answers can come in different ways’. Answers and solutions did unfold in ways she couldn’t have guessed.

Trust things will sort themselves out.Let the belief do it’s magic in the now moment by bringing you peace.From a place of optimism and well-being, creativity flows, and we are open to seeing solutions and answers. From a place of fear, thinking is cloudy, and we notice other looming problems, or we feel paralyzed  and mentally and physically drained.

By letting go, she felt renewed energy and confidence. A common concern ‘what if I pick a belief that feels good and ignore actions I should have taken?’

I had a client who felt overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for three young kids. She thought that to be a good parent she had to focus on the children’s faults so she could fix them.This belief was reinforced by teachers and extended family. This left her feeling pressured, stressed,short- fused, and low energy. In sessions we explored different beliefs that might bring her peace.She chose these: ‘My kids are lovable, gifted and unique, and I’m a lovable, capable parent who continues to learn as I go along the way.’ By allowing her self to focus on her kids in a positive way, issues and problems came into perspective. With the new beliefs came beautiful changes. She had renewed energy, found creative solutions to problems, and felt a re-connection with her self-esteem and confidence.

Don’t beat yourself up for having beliefs that aren’t working. You’re in good company; welcome to the human race!We all do the best we can from where we’re at. Come with a beginner’s mind, explore and experiment, and try it out for yourself.Start with beliefs that don’t feel too outlandish to you, then have fun building from there.


For 10 years Sharon has guided an International clientele through individual coaching,workshops and recordings into deep relaxed states where letting go and positive changes can happen quickly.
