
A big topic right now for entrepreneurs is selling in the current global situation. You don’t have to be scared of selling right now. It’s not a bad word and it doesn’t make you a bad person. There is a balance between serving and selling… and...
I’m bringing you my favorite practice/tool that is helping me to navigate these past few weeks as a business owner, as a woman, as a human… Qoya with Coaches Console Click Here To Open The Qoya Brave Souls Playlist My best friend, Qoya teacher and Coaches...
Are you swinging between a wide spectrum of emotions with everything going on? One of our clients talked about how one moment she felt “I’m going to conquer the world” and then shortly later she was feeling “Lazy and unmotivated”. I know...
When you find yourself in a time of crisis with unexpected, rapid change and a lot of uncertainty mixed in, emotions are running high and are simultaneously all over the place. When your emotions are running high, it’s not a time when you’re in your optimal state of...